Weekly Casuals in Lawton, OK

Gauging interest to try something like this.

There’s a local coffee shop that would be a great place to setup and play casuals.

Some of the challenges with this idea:

It would be free to come and participate…HOWEVER, per a person would have to get something at the shop. They have a coffee drinks and baked goods. Personally, the drip coffee is some of the best I’ve had. Not looking to make money but the least we can do is support local business.

People would have to bring monitors and systems; I personally just have my laptop and it can run SSF4 without issues. Would love to have Asus setups but again, we will have what we have.

Game selection will be based solely on what resources we can pool together.

Right now this is just an idea but with enough feedback, we can get the ball rolling.

Hit me up on here and/or twitter @wildfireXzero

Hi. I was wondering if you’re going to have consoles or something like that? I don’t think I would be a problem to buy something from the shop at all; they are letting you play games there, so I think it’s fair.