1 Martin “EG.MaRN” Phan
2 Ryan “RyRy” Cadiente
3 josh “kutsuki” leung
4 Rugal B.
5 iNerd
5 Asian Daisy
7 Hector “Ketchy Ketch” Perez
9 BChan
9 Top Katt
9 Krost
9 jeff “zerp” liu
13 Ryan “perfectsin” Bartlett
13 Chris
13 Dave
13 seth mussey
17 Rel Jin
17 4r5
17 jay
17 Lowet
17 Mr. Agua
Big, big, big fun last night. Thanks to everyone for coming out. Really impressive stuff. Stream archive will be dug through, and matches upped.
Gonna tally up points later. I’m lazy now. See everyone next Wednesday.
I feel like an idiot atm.
I posted in the wrong Wednesday Fight Night thread.
I meant to post in the Cali thread, my bad.
But yeah, I noticed Wong was missing from last nights tourney(was it a tourney or just a get together for casuals?), just wondering when he’s coming back with a new team as I’m interested to see him use Phoenix.