Wednesday Night Fights: HDR weekly tournament + stream

Sup man. Just post up where you’re located (city) and if you’re available and i’m sure the HDR guys will try their best to hook you up with a ride. This applies to the Wednesday Night gatherings and Denjin Ranbats in Simi Valley.

Papercut: It’s all about online son!

Best get that Dee Jay on the stream, mon. And yes, DGV has crazy clutch capability.

Haha…i think it was the same night papercut blew his win vs snake eyes, bruce had played him prior on the stream. It was mad funny cuz mid match, james chen referred to SE as “evo champ” during commentary…bruce then looks at james and yells “EVO CHUMP!!” (Note: This is all happening in the middle of the fight)

That shit was so funny, bruce had everyone crackin up and it added to the hype a lil bit.

Good times as always

you missed the part where he got 720’d right after.

i hope to finally make it to one off these its freaking far for me and its on a wednesday night too kinda hard for me to go if i have work the next day :frowning:

roll calll!!!

I think I’ll drive down there tomorrow.

We’ll be there. Anyone else making tonight?

I probably will. Not sure whether I should bring any toys though.

ill be there

Alright, I’m walking out the door now.

See you there!

What time is hdr on the stream? or does it change every week?

that was pretty good. it was a close match. there should be more then just one ST match going though. tekken went on for hours. seeing as how HDR is so fast pace, they should have let more players play.

who is ready for tonight

see you guys there…

tonights finalists from last weeks tournament will be aqua snake vs DGV!

My goal is to at least make it to 2 wins. :lol:

We wont be able to make it tonite fellas…we’re still in the office =/

I dont’ get off work till 12am tomorrow night. Let me know how it goes. I’ll try to make it out to the next one. That or denjin. Keep the scene alive man!

school is fucking me up, i probably won’t be back until regionals.

Work has been fucking me up but I’m off this wednesday if you and Synco want to roll down this week.