We need more starcraft 2 players in the Northwest

Okay, didn’t see any threads for sc2, and since every other game has a thread like this, including that terribad game Aion, I figure I’d make one as well.

I’m Mandelbrot ID 267 - 1v1 diamond protoss player

I don’t get to play much, have crappy micro and macro and desperately need practice on all my matchups. Also willing to throw down on casual 2v2 3v3 or 4v4 cheese, i want to get into diamond league for those as well.

Helpful links:

Team Liquid
Team liquid is like the SRK for starcraft. Lots of good info on there. Pro gamers occasionally post on there as well. The liquipedia section contain useful info such as opening build orders and strategies tailored to each matchup.

Day 9 daily

Day9 provides lots of insightful videos about sc2. He is imo one of the best commentators out there. You will learn a lot. He was a high level brood war player and currently casts a lot of sc2 tourneys. He’s also apparently a clockwork player in marvel. lol.

Looking for Friends!

Hey there! I live in Cleveland, OH. Started getting into StarCraft 2. Add me.


StarCraft 2: Eddie
Steam: Soulofjazzman
PSN: Soulofjazzman
Gamertag: Soulofjazzman

hey man the gameclucks tournament for starcraft 2 is blowin up, hopefully ill see you there at some point!

why not add myself too the lost.

Wootelite.886 I was diamond/gold last season, but guess I’m silver material now. GG zerg =D