I just had a gathering with Brento and Grant and we played some arcade ST. To be honest with you, we all played like crap compared to our old selves. Seattle used to be well known as one of the few cities in the nation that could get 30 people to signup for ST… check out this inspirational shoutout from the guys at dontblowthis.com:
Also, arcade ST will be one of the tournaments at Battle for Seattle on Sunday May 29th.
We’ve got some AMAZING talent here, and MULTIPLE people who are willing to open up their homes to Arcade ST gatherings: Myself, Julien Beaseley, Andrew and my friend Gino would also like to throw gatherings. I have TWO candy cabs at my house right now, possibly 3 next weekend when Gino drops off a Sega Versus City to store until he moves to a bigger place.
For all the new people, Seattle also has some nationally recognized players, Jason Cole has won Evo for ST, Julien Beaseley is a well known oldschool player who has entered nationals in Japan and is a wealth of knowlege on the game, and we now have Jason Nelson who is also a well known old school player whose knowlege is just staggering. Did you know Bison can do different tricks on player 1 corner than Player 2? Nelson does, and if you ask him he will tell you!
Now that HDR is dead at evo, the east coast community at dontblowthis.com is working hard to promote ST, and I guarantee you at nationals ST skills will be important (hint hint). We have all the tools in place to revive the ST scene which was VERY strong here until just a while ago, let’s make use of them, there is enough room for multiple great games in our scene!
Yeah you’ve told me about that, we should set up a date where you and your Oly buddies can come up and play some ST with us. Just lemme know in advance and you guys can come to my place and I will see who else can show up…if you bring your ST board we can get two rotations going cus I have two candies on premises.
So Tanaka amd Jason Nelson are planning to come over Tuesday, post up if you guys are interested in getting your ST (and maybe marvel 3) on in Burien…new people welcome!
Checking online I’m seeing a few people say 17" is right (this is VERY hard to find online for some bizarre reason). I have an Astro manual at home I will check to see if it mentions the proper seating height but I doubt it.
I use some crap folding chairs I got at Value Village right now and while I will eventually replace them, the height feels fine for me. So whatever crap folding chair height is works.
But then I gotta drive down to Ikea, HELLA far. 17" is the number I estimated, because I got an ottoman that height and it feels good. If it doesn’t feel good, I don’t do it.
Jason Cole, Jason Nelson and Tanaka came over, it was fun as hell, we had pizza, played ST and a little mvc3 and a good time was had by all… can have people over again on Friday night too, if Beasley comes and brings his board we can get two candy cab ST rotations going.
Or you and Beasly could stop being lagwarriors and come to my house friday when Cole, Nelson and Tanaka are coming and we could get some IRL VF in where Julien’s stupid lagtactics will be exposed and he will cry and run back to XBL. :lol: