what is this cable unblockable shit?
kuan is still pretty beastly
what is this cable unblockable shit?
kuan is still pretty beastly
still can not play this game!
KillaKelly from California. If he doesn’t hit the infinite, you probably win.
Word, I should block at the beginning of the match against him. It is awesome to meet new and competent opponents online.
You mean I could get Marvel for free?
That’d be sick, I’d play that.
Omega Red + 2 more would be my team.
I don’t care how much people hate on him, I’ve loved that guy since the old Xmen days.
I kill Special KIll. O yea don’t play roworsantrax he’s an ass on the mic and he is probably using clearwire or cricket dsl for his connection. JK GGs dann.
I, Charlton Heston, agree fully with this statement. Being an Omega Red player myself, and starring in such films as Ben Hur, Julius Caesar, and of course, The Omega Man, I can testify that he is not only a great character in the X-Men comics, but a fun and legitimate character in Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes.
jalapNO, if that is your real name, I think you should play Cable. Not only is he one of the four god-tier characters in the game, but he uses a gun too. As former president of the NRA, I fully support Cable’s right to use this gun as he pleases, for protection or otherwise, and if Barack Obama doesn’t like it, he can pry these guns from our cold dead hands.
You can message me on XBox live anytime for some player matches. My gamertag is Charlie_Heezy_the_Omega_Meezy. Have fun with Omega Red.
“The Asian Sensation” Brian MA has a good Omega Red.
You’re really creeping me out with this.
I’m having a rough time connecting to a bunch of people in marvel. I had this problem with HDR, but I opened some ports on my router and it worked fine. Anyone else experiencing problems connecting or know a fix?
nice list, lol but why is xjzn bolded red? and the first two bolded yellow? is there a special reason? lol because i hate these guys, espically the red one, they rage quit on me all the time too =]
That’s something weird on your browser. I didn’t bold anything. The first two are clickable to their SRK profiles. =)
I got an american stick finally. Shit is about to get super serious.
There’s something especially weak about waiting at character select so you can try to counterpick, only to ragequit 30 seconds later when you get DHC’d.
Now that people have had an extensive offline play session at Preppy’s, what do you guys think of the current-gen port? Is it a good version of MvC2? Is it bug free enough to hold tournaments on?
I think that it is inevitable that it will eclipse the DC version, simply because that hardware will not last forever. It could stand to get a patch, though… And I swear to God that I felt it stuttering a little in training mode.
I am sure the elders could articulate their issues better than I, but it is not perfect. If I had a choice I would just go back to the arcade or DC. The frame skipping needs to go. Someone email Stiltman to get on a patch ASAP. For the time being it won’t bother me too much since all sorts of stupid shit happens online anyway.
It sucks.
The offline for 360 is that bad? Shame. Even if it’s a bootleg version, I can’t fault EVO for wanting to shift to a current-gen format. Less hardware issues coupled with better accessibility for new players (meaning higher entries at events) ultimately trumps the demand for a perfect port. Here’s hoping for a patch.
I’ve said in the past that once Marvel dropped on current-gen, I’d stop hosting. But if the DC version is truly a superior experience, maybe there’s still a place in the Seattle scene more me and my 8 SDTVs. Just know that the 13" screen at my home will always be reserved for Paullee’s PS3 SFIV setup.
Backbone needs to make a patch, and Capcom needs to do SOMETHING to make that happen.
HDR is the perfect example of what we can expect - nothing. It has a lot of bugs in matchmaking, some balance issues, no patch or even acknowledgement of a problem. Now, a year later, they release MVC2 with the SAME BUGS that HDR had. This really shows a lack of effort.
On the one hand, it’s hard to fault Capcom for going with a group that actually shipped HDR, got good reviews, has better netcode than most other fighters out there, etc. But they need to pay Backbone more, or pad out that contract to mandate bug fixes, because there’s no excuse for bugs like that with no patches.
When you compare it against netplay for SNK games, it’s not even funny. Garou is simply unplayable online. MvC2 is quite playable online, but it’s not without some problems.