We Need More League of Legends Players

Fuck yeah, amumu buffs:
Base damage increased to 47 from 45
Base armor increased to 18 from 15
Tantrum passive physical damage reduction increased to 2/4/6/8/10 from 1/2/3/4/5
Despair mana cost reduced to 8 from 10 at all levels

Not much, but I don’t know if he needed a buff at all. It will be easier to keep despair up at lower levels. You wanna know why you don’t see amumu? Malphite. And Rammus, maybe.

Anyway, I still like him. Hoping he doesn’t get nerfed from too much attention.

Speaking of which: Rammus powerball slowed down a little. Probably reasonable, but sad for me.
Malphite: Nothing.
Anivia nerfed somewhat (MP cost of R much higher for short bursts). Also seems reasonable.
Ryze: Replaced by parasitic alien pod version of himself in the night. Weird.
Sivir: New boomerang blade. Will be worse without items, might be just as good with them? No longer scales with base damage, but base damage and damage ratio is increased. And more damage reduction for passing through a target. Aww.
Vlad: Passive nerfed a little, no speed boost for pool, won’t be ignored by turrets after pool. Yay.

And… surrender time decreased!! This is a good thing.

Did you guys watch any of the Quadrakill matches for Europe? I did. I was blown away by just how many of the matches were decided early. A lot of the matches, you could tell one team had a significant lead by 10 minutes, and maybe by 15 it would be really solidified. That… kind of sucks. Even the finals were mostly one-sided.

Favorite nerf ever. Losing turret aggro is such a shitty mechanic.

Yayyyy IP/XP rewarding is changed… Gonna get more for longer games. That sounds good because I was stuck in a 75+ minute game today and I was one sad panda.

Elias I am still surprised you are playing this game…I RQ this within like 3 or 4 weeks lol. Though I guess it IS a free game…

I like anivia changes, the bug fixes/changes to frost used to irritate me a lot when I played anivia. Not being able to shoot the ball out of the range of the circle got me killed many times back in the day. I also think ult + ice spike was a little too good.

Surrender time decrease makes me sad, 5 more minutes of noobs irritating me.

I played HoN for a few months, I got to be not-bad (but not even decent) at it.

I heard HoN is a lot more difficult than LoL. Was wondering if any of the skills transferred over. Might be fun to try 'n play with Elias and peeps.

I played Arachna, Night Hound, Corrupted Disciple, Plague Bringer, and occasionally Moon Queen in HoN. What are the equilevent heroes in LoL?

never played HoN, but if a complete DOTA newb like me can pick it up, i’m sure you’ll be running with the big dogs in a week or two. Oh wait, shitty rune grind - make it a month. :S

what abilities do those champs have? I’m sure there’s an equivalent for most.

Riot needs to stop nerfing spirit visage, ffs. Or just take it out, i don’t know. Healing and regen abilities can be so whack.

This thread is now just about keeping track of whether I’m still even playing.

Jarvan seems really strong, still. Part of that is probably scaling, but another part is just that his ult is really good.

But i dunno about that. I bought Blitz instead. Everything he’s got is good, and landing a grab is often gg. Grabbing dragon is hilarious, grabbing through walls is pro, it’s all good.

I want to have another jungler, but i pretty much always go WW, if i’m not also the tank - usually amumu if i’m jungling. I should play udyr, but for some reason he’s just not clicking with me. Wish i could watch some match vids or something and work out how i should do my skills and stuff. I just don’t know.

Too bad most games seem to end in 20-35 minutes, meaning almost no ip. I’ve been saving up for Rammus for AGES

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Not for me. My teammates frequently won’t surrender. No matter how obviously over the match is. Summoner Level 30 is like a punishment rather than an achievement in this game.

Why must I be addicted to this game? It’s hands down the least fun game I’ve ever played regularly. Like usually a game I play all the time has something redeeming, or I at least have fun the majority of the time I play it. The amount of time I spend having fun while playing this compared to the time spent pissed off, annoyed, or otherwise just not even at least just satisfied with the time I’m spending on it… It’s atrocious. I vow to never start another addictive online game again if it is team based and I don’t have a full team of people to play with regularly.

It’s really just not fun to me to play extremely well, outplay my lane opponents and perhaps their entire team, and still lose all the time because my teammates can’t even play to a mediocre level. So many derps. My favorite part of the game is laning and I have fun when I pick fun champs in the lane with good harass… maybe I’ll just do that. Stick to bitch champs. Urgot and zilean and shit. Pew pew. Have fun in the lane, expect the match to crumble past that, be pleasantly surprised if it’s not.

Elliot - can you list the DOTA champ names? Because HoN is cookie-cutter DOTA, we could actually help you then.

I have fun times with LoL, cause we all get on vent with friends and play. Maybe you’re just stuck in low ELO-hell. Which is hella lame. Have you been playing Ranked much? It’s a fresh start and usually people try harder to win. Or play with trusted friends.

Jarvan is sweet, his ult is a double-edged sword. It either wins teamfights or fucks everything up. Kinda like a reverse Janna. I’ve been playing him as my main, mostly.

20min matches are great. Just play another 20min match. You’ll get more for winning twice than playing a really long 40min match.

I added a bunch of ppls names, dunno if anyone accepted the requests or not.

Mechanica, add me and let’s own lanes together imo ign is same as here

Let’s. This is Mechanica by the way.
Wait but what’s your name here? So confused.

Uh, seriously though.

I think half of the fun I have in this game is being in a vent channel with a bunch of cool people. It almost doesn’t matter that we’re playing LOL, but of course, if we weren’t, we probably wouldn’t stick around in a vent channel together for 35 minutes. So that’s nice. Even though I still don’t have a working mic, haha. Might have to pony up for a second try; I got a job now, time to blow some scrilla. Or, like, half of a scrilla anyway.

Wat. My name here is SuicidalGranpa. You goof.

Been doing pretty good with Irelia.

add me: spacebeefin

This game makes me mad when I’m not playing a full premade haha. I haven’t played in about 2 months. Probably gonna have to read all the recent patch notes if I wanna try playing again.

It’ll be cool to play with a group over vent/skype again. Everyone in my group pretty much quit (including me). So yeah, if y’all have an extra spot and like a specific time you’re playing hit me up. IGN: urmodersonawtee

Co-op vs. AI: This was a feature? The biggest change I can see is that it lets you ‘casually’ earn your first-win bonus. The AI is better, certainly, but still not much of a challenge.

If you miss LOLBase, check out riotstats.com

Friend requests sent.

I’m airdash in game.

Nocturne seems pretty strong. ‘Fear’ remains one of the dumbest mechanics in the game.

Irelia nerf: 1.0 AP ratio -> 0.5 ratio. She was pretty ridiculous before, you gotta admit.

Some nerfs to mana regen (cho-gath and gragus). I think Riot really wants mana users to actually have to buy a mana regen item if they want to spam their skills early in the game. Nothing wrong with that, but there just aren’t many real choices for mana regen items. Sometimes I feel like the thing that makes some champions really good is just that they fit the available items well, whereas other champions who would be just as good without items fall by the wayside because they don’t have items that really cater to their strengths.

Then again, a lot of items are mostly ignored. Maybe there are some less mainstream mana regen items out there… but at level 1, it’s pretty much just meki’s with only a few exceptions (chars who want to build philosopher’s stone(s) or mana manipulator).

Sometimes I find myself wishing for doran’s-like items that aren’t the doran’s items we have. Or something cheap enough that I could buy it along with a faerie charm.

sure add me on there. Wootelite Decent at the game, but I was always more of a Macro whore then a micro whore.

Fiddlesticks is too much fun, I haven’t even really played the latest champ. sgsrk is my in-game, someone add me rtfn