We Need More League of Legends Players

Yeah, I am only like level 7 and only have like 5 Runes or something. I still do pretty well.

Runes really depends on character/build, some character just literally do not WORK without runes, I actually think the biggest reason a LOT of people think AP Yii is garbage is because he NEEDS mana regen runes to be a strong laner. With mana regen runes, 12 points in utility and a dorans ring yii essentially has infinite mana, which means he has awesome heals and scary harass, which means he can farm forever wihtout backing and be a threat. Same thing with nasus, with mana regen runes I can solo lane against 3 people forever and constantly get 4-6 last hits per wave. Akali also, with a few +attack runes she can can get her spell vamp pasive going with a dorans blade, which means she gets health, spell vamp, life steal, and damage all from one cheap item.

That being said don’t worry about runes at all until you can get tier 3’s.

edit: and since someone else brought up jungling, don’t even bother jungling without the right runes, the jungle has to be the most efficient possible otherwise you’re relying on your opponents jungle to be bad. As a jungler you should be doing everything you can to be better off than your opponent, even a slight differecne in exp can mean your ganks just a little to late, or you lose a fight in the jungle and have to back off, and it’s only going to snowball from there. Jungling is the most efficiency dependent job in the game.

edit again: I did not vote and i did get the third runepage, I heard they are manually adding them to accounts , I didn’t get mine until days after some of my other friends got 'em.

Don’t buy runes until you can get tier 3 runes (not for a while).

Yeah I got my 3rd rune page. Gonna start my caster runes soon. Slowly. Gotta decide between a few choices.

Oh man, the dope ass viking skin I made finally made it in XD

Anybody actually play him?


Sion? I might buy him soon. He’s free this week and I kinda liked him but thought his stun was slightly slow as a projectile - and they just buffed it like at least 33% faster travel speed. Can make for some dirty lane duoz

Think I’ma buy shaco or olaf in a lil bit. Can’t decide. I need an AD champ for sure, and I definitely need more tanky ones, all I really have is Nasus. But shaco sounds more fun. Brolaf*


Irelia? More like ire-fail-ia M I RITE!?!?. Last one went 0/10/0 about 18 minutes in. Wooo I get the most breadwinning lanemates in solo queue <3

Get Olaf, he’s a good carry and Jungler. Shaco is pretty bad right now due to overnerfing.

Heimrdinger is a motherfucker.

I forget if I posted my name in here but it’s SummonerJodo in-game. I am on fairly often lately and have access to a Ventrilo server where I play with a few people from the Starcraft community.

Word. I did end up grabbing him. He’s pretty dope so far. Especially because his /joke and /taunt throw his axes around in cool ways. Throws that shit so high it’s off-screen! Stylin’.

I play this game almost everyday and just noticed this thread. Start adding me -> DeLUCIFER

Hah - yeah I play it a lot lately too. Played a game with Elias last night - I am the king of assists.

Ugh. Free Tryndamere week means me not getting to play this game much. I refuse to play with these fuckin’ people who think it’s okay to try Tryndamere for the first time in a real match. So far I have a 66% queue dodge rate today. I understand wanting to try new champs but why are you playing him for the FIRST time in a match? At least bust out a practice game and check out how his fucking skills work. Jesus. I already hate playing with Trynd on my team because it’s like playing a 4v5 until lategame when he actually becomes relevant or useful. Lmao. Why can’t they try some faceroll champ like Morde? He’s free.

Heimer’s fun.

OMG. I’m no longer mad. Someone made a butterfree kog’maw skin.


Brolaf, the King of Bromacia.


The video is kind of stupid but the skin is near the end.

Shaco, Sona, Irelia free this week.
Pre-mades are the only way to roll. Amumu says, "Let’s make some friends!"
Made a smurf account, just to have one. “Frizzle Nizzle” -> Add me, k?
I wish lolbase worked. I wanna see stats for Mordekaiser last week.

Patch notes

-> Removed “hun” from the word filter


AOE getting toned down a little bit.
Minor nerfs for Janna, Sona, Vlad, Morgana
Ranged ‘carry’ champs now move a liiiittle bit slower.
Galio’s ult gets scaled down a little, but NOT AMUMU YESSS
Let’s make some friends.

Mordekaiser -> No changes. :confused:

Played a couple games with a full pre-made, it was great. High level strats. Other team all bundled up to gank our jungler at the start of the game, and we nailed them for it. Started the round 4-0, before any of the minions had even met. All downhill from there. A teammate ended the game with 22 kills or something like that, and when I went back to the shop they were sold out.

Playing solo queue, it’s like, “somebody wanna guard golem for a second? No? Guys?”

Janna, Lux, and Galio are my current regulars. I always play support characters for some reason.

Support characters are gdlk.

I wholeheartedly approve of this nerf patch. I hope sona keeps getting nerfed. I think characters like sona ruin the game.

I just started playing HoN again today after a 5 month break lets get on that.

Lol let’s not.
Tell them to make a fucking demo if they want people to play their game.

I like the features they advertise on the front page, though. “Players that are disconnected, can rejoin the game.” and “No lag for all players when one player has a connection issue!”

That comma is like sand in my eye.

you have 300 seconds after you are DCed to rejoin and then your character is deleted and the items and money are distributed to the team.

Oh wow, that’s interesting. Better than nothing, I guess.