Shadowless, when I played with you I thought you did fine. At our summoner levels, I’ve seen lots of crazy stupid stuff–you did none of that lol. That said, we’re both still growing and improving
Weird thing about our last game… it’s funny when a team surrenders like 1 minute before the end of the game (like our opponents did)… I mean, I think the surrendering team loses a chunk of IP they would have otherwise earned by doing that. And I don’t think surrendering in that situation preserves any pride at all.
Oh, I didn’t know that they lose IP for surrendering. That’s fucking stupid.
Because if they didn’t, then it would make total sense to surrender then.
For me it was never about pride, just saving everybody a little bit of time.
Well, if that’s all, then I say go ahead and surrender as soon as you know it’s over.
Unless they’re literally 30 seconds away from destroying the nexus.
Even if it’s just one more back and push, that’s still like 5 minutes.
You could have spend it playing a game and winning.
And winning is far more IP-profitable, it seems.
That’s my first impression, anyway.
Damn this game is fun. Having a lot of fun with Twitch, very powerful guy there. Gankers are fun!^^ My AD build is powerful and versatile, really like it. Can’t wait to be a higher summoner lvl though, for more passive buffs.
Yeah, twitch is a cheap little shit. I lost my first tier whore game. It was like playing casual third strike where you’re picking sean because he’s fun and your friend is picking Yun and running away and building meter. Their team was like… Kog’Maw, Galio, Sona, Tristana, Warwick. We had Teemo and Singed and Malzahar and shit… It was sad. I can confidently say we lost because their characters were better. (Not saying it was unwinnable as a matchup, but we weren’t exactly a 5-man team on vent, y’know?)
Signed is actually a prettty good champ, but yeah the others on your team not so great. So many fucking Teemo’s this weekend, it was annoying. Sona & Kog’Maw don’t really need range decreases, Kog’Maw doesn’t need any changes in general, Sona needs shit in other areas. Mainly her passive & Q being way to strong early game for harras.
Singed just gets torn up by CC/exhaust if the enemy team is smart… At least he can take hits even when spec’d for DPS though. Just seems to have a lot of bad matchups if you will, in the laning phase. Lot of ranged champs harass the shit out of him and without the right partner he’s shit outta luck!
Great games, again. Sorry for being a bad carry, I need a lot of work in that area. Seems like I frequently just get completely shut down in mid. MF’ing MF. Wanted to stick around and chat afterwards, but was going to be late, so I pretty much just hit alt+F4 and walked out the door once things ended.
I know this is a LoL thread… but GameClucks is doing a HoN 5v5 Tournament on Nov 6th
$75 perTeam, paying to 3rd if more then 8 teams, else just top 2.
CAL DotA Rules, modified to fit HoN (official rules on GC website in a week or so)
Yeah dude, those were hella fun! You’ve improved! And you weren’t even bad to begin with. If it’s any consolation before we played with you I was ashe and went mid and I failed hard. And it was only against swain! I kept not quite dodging his roots and taking unnecessary damage. I’m not very good in mid either yet I guess. Laning against MF sucks - you have to A) not stand near your minions because you will take damage from her double shot and B) you have to constantly harass her in order to keep her passive off. (Her passive is like x amount of time without taking damage = op movespeed boost.) If you don’t, she will be able to catch you any time you are low on life and trying to run away. Or harass the shit out of you. What a stupid passive. It should go away when she enters battle, not just if she doesn’t get hit! Haha. That whore.
I played Ashe v Swain mid, it was fucking rough. I can dodge roots (usually) but his life drain is a motherfucker. I just don’t know what you’re supposed to do about it. Need some match videos or something. Then again, sometimes I’m not sure that there is anything you can do - this ain’t street fighter, folks. I think the answer might sometimes just be “Pick a better character,” “Pick a different lane,” or “You better gank that guy with your team,” because some 1v1s don’t leave you with a whole lot of options. Unless “Stand behind your turret earning no gold” is an option.
Finally up to 6300 IP, thinking about buying… somebody…
MF? Twitch? Sona?
Maybe just practice up with Tristana instead of worrying about who’s top tier.
In theory I like her very much. DPS hose + gank-resistant.
For mid, I think the general idea is to harass until level 6, fire an arrow, and hopefully kill them before the stun wears off. This way, you never have to really worry about Swain activating his ult. Although, with Ashe, you can gank with your team at pretty much any time you want with the arrow anyway.
I’d stay away from most of the 6300 champs right now, a lot of them seem to be getting minor buffs/nerfs in the upcoming patch and you may want to wait until you have a better idea of what they’re like post patch.
Twitch is not nearly as good as he seems. I have quit this game; at least for now, but don’t spend 6300 IP on Twitch. Stealth characters are just too easy to counter with solid gameplay, so you really have to rely on your team setting up kills for you and that’s not always easy. I’d recommend just getting one of the 2 champ packs and then saving up IP for runes. Flat HP quints, armor or magic pen, dodge, mana/level is a really useful setup for most characters. Dodge runes are really pricey though… However, they are excellent for tanks.
I think I understand all the basic theory in this game right now, but putting it into practice is difficult. I mean - that’s everybody’s general idea, right? Harass until you get your ultimate, see if you can use your ultimate to get an early game lead. I’ve read about 30 character guides at this point, and they all say pretty much the same thing.
But when I was playing Ashe v Swain, it seemed difficult to tag him without coming into range of his life drain. It seemed that when he hit with the life drain, it would quickly compensate for four or five of my hits. I’d love to watch a match video so I can see what I was doing wrong.
Anyway, yeah. So I couldn’t hit him without trading at least one time in three (or so), which left me at a life disadvantage, and made it more difficult for me to harass.
tl;dr -> I’m bitter and angry, leading me to lash out even at my friends who are trying to help me.
Sorry, man. I don’t mean to get defensive. I just need something a little more specific on how to harass without getting hit by life drain, I guess. (Should I be out-ranging it? Am I just crazy?) The rest of it I can handle.
That said, everyone knows how much I love League of Legends. But looking forward to seeing what Icefrog’s team at Valve has been working on. For those that don’t know Icefrog was the most recent developer working on the DotA All-Stars Map (Guinsoo who works on LoL was working on DotA All-Stars before him). Icefrog has a lot of loyal fans, especially among people that play DotA and HoN. So tomorrow’s reveal is big news.
Hey Shadowless, wanted to give you my thoughts on Ashe though I have not lained against Swain. But Ashe is my #2 character (well, she might be my #1 but I play Shen most).
It’s possible that the Swain you were laining against was at a higher Summoner level, and if that’s the case, likely sporting T3 runes. Sometimes I check in the lobby after the game to make sure and even do a player search. Just a possibility, not an excuse.
I haven’t played Swain, but I think the part of him that makes it hard for carries is that he might be strong in laning because of his DoTs ability to slow and root a player, and heal himself to keep himself in the lane longer. So dealing with that’s a pain.
When I’m in a position like that, I have to basically play very defensively, do as best I can to make every single minion hit a last-hit. If the opponent is auto attacking, this makes it easy to fight at the tower. If not, well that is a bit more difficult.
Ashe is strong around the towers, particularly behind the tower. When we played I didn’t watch to see if you were good at last-hitting around the tower or not, but basically that’s what you have to do if you’re being matched in the mid-lane. It’s really rough… Sometimes, if I have my Ult ready, I will run back and then into the jungle near the tower and loop around to try to flank an over-aggressive lane opponent. But this is really rare, and isn’t that beneficial–just something I’ve done to counter-harass and get them to be defensive but you can get killed for this. So generally best to just hug the tower and last-hit.
Ask for help (especially if you have a jungler) when it starts to get bad. Your team will want your carry to be farmed up, and Ashe needs gold, so if you’re lucky enough to have a reasonable teammate, you should be able to get help.
If you’re having to make too many quick warps to base, then definitely get health potions.
That said… I know how frustrating laning can be when you’re pressed… I’ve been in a situation where my Shen was stuck in the middle lane against a good Heimer and I hated that experience…