Watchmen Movie Stills Vs. Comic Pages

Check it out…Maxim is showing stills from the upcoming Watchmen movie side-by-side with their comic book scenes…

Nice find thanks! Movie’s looking good so far! :tup:

Looking good, but I’m kinda put off by the fact that Alan Moore doesn’t want anything to do with this movie. Hell, he even condemns it. Stupid Hollywood, Disney-fying epic GNs :frowning:

Looks okay… I mean I never really liked the ART in The Watchmen anyway, it’s all about the story that revolves around it. Honestly, a lot of Alan Moore’s stories aren’t accompanied by the GREATEST art, it’s the story that sells 'em.

Looks like they are getting really cheesy on most of those movie scenes though. Hope it doesn’t turn into THAT kind of comic book movie.

LOL Moore doesn’t want anything to do with any comic book movies. After From Hell and LOEG I can’t say I blame him. V For Vendetta was really good though IMHO. From Hell in itself isn’t a bad movie but it pails in comparison to the comic, I really don’t think you can do From Hell justice in a movie, a TV series maybe… Slight From Hell spoiler -

From Hell


I think the concept of all time existing at the same time is gonna fly right over everyone’s heads in any format that isn’t a comic book…

V For Vendetta is a pretty good action flick on its own terms, but it’s just a shell of what the book is. I expect similar results from Watchmen.

I thought the V movie was garbage. It took the most superficial elements of the book (basically the visuals) and tried to sell itself as an amazing interpretation of a dystopia. They should have just called it The Wachowski Bros.’ Vision of Doom. At least then, they wouldn’t have besmirched the good name of V.

And making a Watchmen movie is a stupid idea. A big part of the reason why Watchmen is the be-all, end-all superhero story is because it’s a comic book. It basically reinvented the wheel by showing people what sort of storytelling tricks you can use in the medium. Unless this movie shows people new and never-before-seen and amazing techniques people can use in cinema, it’s a waste of time. Nobody really needs to watch a movie just to experience the plot of Watchmen.

Yeah, I drank some Haterade this morning.

Just curious, but what kind of tricks are you talking about? The only ones I can think of from the Watchmen was when Ozymandius was describing what was going to happen in New York at the same time clips from New York were being shown. The clocks were about a half hour earlier in the New York panels than the Antarctic. That could easily be done true to form in a movie.

The first person attack on the Comedian, to hide the attacker’s identity, has been done numerous times in movies.

The subtlety of the pyramid marking on the Pyramid Deliveries vans could still be kept and toned down to avoid incriminating the antagonist. (I dont know how to use spoiler tags, so Im trying to be vague).

The only thing I can think that might be a problem is keeping Rorshach’s identity secret. When he is half unmasked eating beans in the Owl’s apartment for instance. Human eyes are good at picking up subtleties in facial features, and could probably put it together. Plus, the audience might identify the voice of Rorshach and his unmasked identity.

The clips of the super early Rorshach (before Vietnam) vs post-watchmen act Rorshach should show a VERY large difference in speaking style and mannerisms, but any actor could do that.

Subtleties in the Watchmen such as the smoking pipe balls and the vague triangle motiff on many items and architecture could still be done.

So, what kind of comic book tricks in the Watchmen would you expect to be impossible in film? I can’t think of any.

(Side note: Anyone else pissed that the cars in the pictures have exhaust? All of the vehicles should be electric. Ozymandus made his fortune with the patent on the spark plug hydrants the black kid was resting against while reading the comic.)

For one thing, the text-only portions of Watchmen cannot be translated into film. For another, the parallel between Dr. Manhattan’s description of time and the way the comic is formatted is going to be lost. For another, Tales of the Black Freighter cannot be accurately translated (incidentally, they’re not even trying, though they’re putting a version of it on the DVD). The very careful way in which the entire book is laid out will be lost. Many of the subtle elements that make Watchmen the rich tapestry it is simply cannot be translated to the screen, because they are uniquely comic book techniques. The best you can hope for is a half-assed representation of the basic story, as with V.

goody pretty much explained it, and I agree with him.

The main thing to me is that Watchmen changed the way people read (and create) comics. You can do things in film that replicate the images and scenes in the comic, but it still won’t be the comic. In film, you’re just absorbing everything the director presents you. In comics, you control the pace at which you consume the information presented to you. That fundamental difference is a big reason why Watchmen is such an intricate piece of work.

I know there are plenty of movies out there that also warrant fanatical analysis by hardcore dudes. But a movie wouldn’t be able to replicate the nine-panel grid layout pacing of the Watchmen comic, for example. At best, a movie would come up with its own style of pacing, which is fine, but then it wouldn’t really “be” Watchmen. It would just be some sort of bastardization of the story of Watchmen and a movie.

And then just on a practical note, Watchmen is such a thick piece of literature. How can they condense all of that into a two or three hour movie? I don’t think there’s anything in Watchmen that you can cut without altering the work. Watchmen is a sacred cow - I wish people would stop trying to milk it to death.

One issue about Rorschach WAS a Rorschach.

There are so many hidden subtle things in watchmen.

Did you know there are no thought bubbles? Trying to make a 2-3 hour movie adaptation is a waste of time.

If Zack Synder had any brain he would have pushed for a trilogy/kill bill style. Too bad that idea was too complicated.

trilogy? did you mean like one long movie just cut up?

yo fuck kill bill they still havent released the unedited version in the u.s fuck them.

Yes, the story would have been easily cut up into a couple movies.

First 3 hours = up until Rorschach gets caught

Last 3 hours = everything after that

That would be Kill Bill Style, or Godfather Style. Imagine how great it would be to have the first movie end with Rorschach getting caught and having his mask removed while screaming and then cutting to black with a “To be Continued…”

People who’ve never read the story would go nuts. I can just hear the “minority movie goers” now.



Then you’d hear some bros talking to there girlfriends explaining what happened and why.

it’s just a comic book.

actually, Slash’s idea would make for a great cliffhanger, and allows Gowan to truly respect the material. Plus, it would me double the money, and comic book nerds won’t be as pissed. Im all for it.

V for vendetta was very good not great which is surprisign considering how much the story differed from the comics.

I don’t expect the movie to be as good as the book thats impossible but if it’s even a decent translation then it could b one of the best movies of all time.

screenshots look alot better then i would have expected especially the first one:tup: