War for the North presents Six Button Paragon

Hi There as you can see from the title I’m trying start something here it will mainly be starting with the Cheshire and Halton commuinty but all those willing to make the trip are welcome but right now I have limited resources we do have a venue but we still need multiple screens and consoles, streaming exe. I also have a house that has desecnt space that I may use for casuals or mini tourneys So here’s but I need your help to spread the word i have set up a facebook group which is here https://www.facebook.com/groups/133751160149776/ and you can follow us on twitter @WarfortheNorth and you can always email warforthenorth@live.com plus you can add me on XBL my GT is Darko I so tell your friends we need the numbers also check out my interview fo UK FGC here
