Wanting some critique

I’ve been playing Nec for a while and I wanted some feedback on my skills. My friend posted his vids in the Ryu section for tips, so I’d like some too if possible.


Any tips? Thanks in advance


Yeah…I didn’t watch the video yet cuz my comp is broke as hell.

You’re good but you seemed to have trouble with defense. In the first vid you kept getting hit by random c.MK x hurricane. Just block low, if the hurricane still comes then stand up and block it (to avoid being crossed up if you’re midscreen), then punish w/ b+LK, MP xx snake or b+MK into whatever. Also, try to avoid being random yourself; EX hook isn’t the kind of move you wanna throw out just for fun.

If your friend keeps trying to denjin you from far away without setting it up properly, superjump and then LK drill dive the hell outta there.

I definitely think I’m having probs with def it seems. I’ll be sure to incorporate some more. (lost like 75% hp cuz of that lol).

I have a question about b+lk -> s. mp xx elsnake.

I kept trying to to cancel it but the cancel is stupid fast for me. Are my hands too slow or am I missing something?

I’m thinking that maybe you have to do

b. lk -> neutral -> qcf. mp -> qcf. p?

Or is there an easier way, like delaying the mp or something, cuz I see sugi pop that shit like its nothing lol.

Oh and any more tips?

Edit: Can you really Superjump on wakeup out of that? o.o

I don’t think that method of doing the chain will work, since the MP might not come out if you’re holding a direction (not sure, try it out though). I just do it the old fashioned way. Only reason I suggested that combo is because b+LK is very fast, but b+MP or anything else will also work.

You were also getting hit a LOT by air-to-air j.HK and hurricanes. Just wait for him to jump, then early c.MP or b+HP. Even if those are parried, you recover quickly enough to block. Or walk/dash underneath as he jumps and get next to him->b+MK into combo.

Also, try being patient on your friend’s wakeup once in a while. While meaty stuff did work well, it couldn’t hurt to train him into being cautious. Whiff a b+LK then take a step back; it could end up blocking a wakeup move or causing a whiff throw in your favour. Either that or stand out of throw range, then walk in throw instead of meaty. Combine safety with offensive mind games.

As for denjin I would only jump over/drill dive if it’s far away. Up close either parry (obviously), or if you’re feeling brave, jump->instant parry on the way up, then drill dive.

Hope I helped.

Work on punishing correctly and using throw in your mix up…and what the other guys said.

Wow guys that’s really awesome advice. Especially you Gaijin blaze that helped a lot! I have a tendency to get into a certain mode of play unless the person takes advantage of what I’m doing, but playing with mind games will help better my friend’s game as well.(I believe so at least).

To confirm about the qcf. mp -> qcf p = super, it does work(f. mp = s. mp). But I guess I’ll try learning the old fashioned way. The reason I tended not to use it so much was because if u did b+lk -> qcf. mp -> qcf. p and accidentally hit back diagonal, you’d get a tornado hook. Which would then get me stuffed by a lot of things ; ;.

But I digress. I’ll start using c. mp more. I abuse the hell out of b + hp so I’ll just continue using it, but just early :DD.

As a side note, I tried to mix it up a lot in the second video. Doing stuff I dont normally do like c.lk -> rising cobra(axe kick), s. lp -> ex flying viper(chop), ex flying viper(whiff) -> stuff, and jab tornado hook -> b. mp reset -> mp flying viper(lands in their sprite after reset). Although most of those things worked, I know not a single one is guaranteed. Is it safe to use those usually you think? Or should I not risk it and play it more safe? (Cuz I know one parry on pretty much all of those setups = raped).

Sorry if I sound retarded, I’m just pretty deadset on getting better with Necro. Any help is appreciated so thanks in advance. Ciao~

first…i not have the best necro but i think i can help you…:wink:
you need more understand about range of your moves and positioning youseft
you have troubles in your defense (not block low a lot of times)
you not use or not understand a lot of good moves…like c.jab , bd.fierce , s.forward, c.forward , dempa electricity, j.jab, j.roundhouse, uoh…etc
you need more patience in your stuff and mix up
and please never use fierce tornado hook and ex tornado hook …if oponent not are stunned or if not die for block damage
the key of necro is your corner game …is your positioning game around the corner… think a lot about that

excuse me english

i watched the first clip and I might say that you should bait your friend into jumping and slam him with either electricity or any of necros aa normals especially b.fierce. I mean he jumping normaled you about 4 times in a row. Don’t get to eager with the drill kicks. Other than that man, you got the good basics of the character down

I just came from the arcade today. I used a lot of the advice you guys gave me and won a bit more, but I kept getting stuffed by this one Ken player. He’d corner me and just mix up with kara throw/ c.lk -> s. lp -> throw/ and c. mk -> double shoryu. The shoryu’s were ripping me a new one, and it didnt help that he could kara it midscreen. I know there’s a way to beat that without drill kicking to get in close(Shoryu beats it) any tips to get around that? Sorry if I sound uber scrubbish @.@

coreografo you’re right, I dont use those moves very much, but I think it tends to be that I get stuffed often using them. ie. jumping jab in stuffed with SRK, j. roundhouse stuffed with ex hadoken. Could you clarify a bit when I might consider it safe/useful to utilize those moves? I can understand stuff like a poke string using b. lk -> b. mp -> s. mk/c.mk but what about the other moves?

Thanks again guys, the advice is helping my game and I really appreciate it!

i can’t explain soo much becuase me english suck to much
you can use j.jab for make a tickthrow (j.jab>throw and jab>b.short>s.strong …etc)
j.round house is good vs a lot of chars (for example chun) this move control a lot of space you can hit confirm this (j.roundhouse>sa3) work well in air vs air and is very safe from the correct distance
dempa electricty is a very good anti air defense
work well if you use in your gap setups and for poking
bd.fierce work well for stop some jumps , is great in your corner game from the correct distance

guy the most important part about necro is understand about the positioning and times of the game…the key is positioning oponent in the corner first and you dance around the distance (max range of oponent moves) some moves work well for this like c.jab , bd.fierce , s.strong , uho, forward drill kick …ect
whiff and dance …punish stupid oponent moves (like if he try escape out of corner you can hit this jump whit a bd.fierce, c.strong , b.fierce , dempa electricty , super jumping away>anti air drill kick, sa1) , mix up but whit patience …try take the less risk…
for ken player …you need work more in your defense…

standing mp is a good tool against any of the shotos. it beats their low forward at the right ranges, use it to punish whiffs and zone. play safely, but make it your goal to corner them via drills, tornado hook pressure, zoning, etc. for me, jumping jab comes into play in air to air, its one of his faster moves up there, and it resets the opponent nicely in a favorable position for you. don’t be afraid to be aggressive against ken once you corner him, i usually make the threat of corner throw my objective once i accomplish cornering shotos. throw>downback fierce is great, does alot of stun and knocks down, throw>standing mp lets you mix up throw/uoh/anti air/generally making them antsy, especially if their stun bar is near full. by punishing them in this manner, i find it easier to make them react in a way that you expect them to. midscreen, i like to do meaty rh on their wakeup until they learn how to block/deal with it. after a midscreen electric snake, you can also mix this up to whiff the drill right behind them into b.short>mp target combo>electric snake.

coreografo I think you need to have more faith in your english, it isn’t nearly as bad as you make it. There’s only a few things missing in your English game so practice up a bit and you’ll be as legendary as Daigo. :lol:

But jokes aside, I didnt know you could use those moves that way. Thanks to both coreografo and ramza for your tips. I use the meaty rh drill on occasion ie: in the third video, but I dont use db. fierce nearly as much as I should. I also have a problem timing my moves with the opponents wakeup (ie: whiffing a move at the right moment/distance to seem like I’ll hit but recover in time as they try to block/parry it) and because of it I end up getting thrown. But that will all come with time and practice I think.

My last question I think was answered by coreografo already but, I just want to be sure. Is the only way to get around Ken’s priority to block and wait for the right moment? Thanks again in advance, and keep it real guys! I love you all for all the help you’ve given me, no homo.

P.S. I wanna see coreografo and ramza’s necro for tips! :lol:

apparently my necro only gets recorded when i wake up parry everytime and insist on landing back fierce>_<i’ve yet to really play necro in a tourney, but that may change soon

Ken doesn’t have a kara throw. Well he does but the range it adds is negligible.