Want to Trade Taito Egret 29 Cabinet in SoCal

Hi guys I bought this cabinet about a month ago with the intent of modding the control panel so I can fit two players comfortably for 3rd Strike but it turns out this is turning out to be a bigger hassle than i realized so Im looking to trade this cab locally preferably for a new astro city cab or an egret 2. The monitor on my cab is flawless and it has the neogeo/snk 4 button layout.

This is what the cab looks like for those who are not familar with it http://www.solvalou.com/arcade_egret.php

that particular one isnt mine. mine has a red control panel. The cab is currently located in Rancho Bernardo and if anyone and wants more info and is interested please contact me. my aim screen name is abom329 and my name is bryan


Oh yeah trade

i can try and get some pics up some time tomorrow. And i thought you only had to put a price up if you were selling something, i just wanna try and trade it for one of those cabs not sell it