Been thinking of picking up the lawyer and i just have 2 noobie questions to ask 1.Getting in with wright and 2.Would a team of wrigh(press the witness)/haggar(lariat)/Doom(plasma beam) work or should i drop haggar for a beam assist and switch doom for hidden missles?
Switch Doom to Hidden Missiles for anyone trying to get past Maya’s shield by air. Replace Haggar with a beam assist like Unibeam or something like Strider’s Varja. You can also use Haggar’s Violent Ax but I don’t think it will work to well.
never thought of iron man…guess i could learn 2 chars in one go. Would Varja be a good replacement for missles?
You need a get off me assist, real bad with Wright. While you’re collecting evidence, the opponent is
going to be rushing in at you, and doom missiles don’t seem to help that much from what I’ve seen
on streams. And lets be honest, it’s not that hard to get past Maya shield so I wouldn’t depend on
that too much, imo
Be prepared to lose a lot. Wright is lacking in some areas, and he isn’t a very straightforward character.
Thanks for the help I tend to ask alot of questions when it comes to learning new chars and i’m ready to lose ALOT. I just like using out of the norm chars still say arthur is under used…speaking of arthur would daggers be a good assist for wright
Arthur daggers I think can work but is too slow as compared to a beam. The optimal thing in terms of assists to have is a lockdown assist and a “get off me” assist. Hulk’s AA, Lariat, Iron Fist’s Rising Fang are good examples of “get off me” assists, and Missiles, Cold Star, Shopping Cart, Tenderizer are good example of lock down assists.
But there are more ways to get evidence then with Wright on point. What I do sometimes is I have Nem/PW, and I’ll TAC into Wright, then do a THC with 2 meters. Since Nemesis’ super hit’s OTG and is fairly long, it does good damage while giving good time to get evidence. You can also TAC with Ammy/Hawk with PW on point. Both these supers are great at hitting people who press a button, which a lot of people do against PW, and this gives more evidence time while doing a bit of damage.
That sounds like a great team, but you should probably switch PW’s assist to Get 'Em, Missile! and Doom’s assist to Hidden Missiles. I’ve actually been considering replacing Hulk with Haggar on my own team, as their functions on the team are almost identical, but Haggar could be the better character.
don’t know if i should use nemi or haggar honestly even tho haggar lariat lost its inv frames its still a good gtfo off me assist also he can otg now even tho it can cancel into 1 move its still a otg but nemi also really helps wright as well
Nem doesn’t really have any good assists to help out Wright since none of them are very fast and none have armor on them. Nem is good when DHCing into Wright and Nem makes good use of Missile but that’s about it.
Got a quick question would frank be a good choice for wright with nemmy?
Well it would be hard to level up Frank though with that team. I think there’s some Frank and PW info in the team building thread.
alright just wondering since i don’t think there’s that much with synergy with nemesis/Doom. I don’t play doom much so i’m trash with him
Without putting any thought into team synergy(Haven’t played my two suggested assists long enough to provide a strong valid educated opinion), I would suggest Iron man [repulsor blast] and Doom[hidden missiles]. From the very beginning, using mya shield and repulsor assist immediately after, you cover the area in front of, above, and behind PW. Perfect against people trying to beam you from the front, jump over your shield, or teleport behind you. Once you’re ready to kick ass in Trail mode [or reach Turnabout mode which I wouldn’t suggest doing immediately if ever], Doom’s missiles can definitely help create an opening.
ya guess going to keep doom…but i do sometimes get PW to trial mode immediately on some teams or chars that I just have problems with
didn’t read what you said about doom earlier sorry. The key thing in mastering doom is his triangle jumping for mobility and that truly increases your ability to play doom and even mix up with him. Doom IMO is the best assist to get an opening, but there’s always different ways to go about it. You could use nova’s assist shield to allow you to call mya (h), then immediately cancel to mode change and either immediately cancel into press the witness or into a wavedash. This way you don’t get hit while you call mya out, and as you approach the opponent, if you do start getting hit, mya will still stop them in their track (even if their performing a hyper combo, depending on who;s the opponent). You could see if you can find an opening that will allow you to use hawkeye’s voilent fizz (dw shot) and use slip up at the same time for an unbloackable(slip up hits overhead, and I’m assuming voilent fizz hits low) you could use Cap’s shield slash or Dr.strange’s eye of aggomatto before the end of your blocked combo so that you’ll be safe from retaliation (not 100% guaranteed, but safer than being upclose against your opponent after the blocked your attempts). try out different stuff. I’m using PW as point, deadpool’s happy trigger assist(for those trying to jump over the shield), and ryu’s hadoken(for those approaching from the front of PW). It’s not effective as a team consisting of the normal assists such as doom,sentinal,iron man, but it’s a lot safer than soley using maya’s shield without assist. Also, with the nerf PW got, Turnabout shouldn’t be your sole purpose for playing PW. He can do decent damage in trail mode once he gets an opening. If you see an opening, then go for it, but otherwise, making turnabout the sole reason behind playing PW will get you nowhere fast.
On the contrary, getting PW to Turnabout Mode should be a primary goal to playing him effectively. Without it, you are not going to do as well as you would with it. PW is simply not good enough as a character to remain strictly in Trial Mode.
OBJECTION!!! lol you have a point Poltergust, it should be a primary goal, but i should have clarified better. Getting into Turnabout mode should be a PRIMARY goal, but not the SOLE purpose of picking up the character. The reason I suggest this is because I’ve seen too many people (I myself was guilty of this) who focus on PW collecting 3 pieces of evidence off the bat, enter Trail mode; Then, for the rest of the match, the only move they perform is cross-examination or air cross-examination. I feel if people focus on actually learning to fight in trail mode, figure out combos, make it second nature to switch between trail and investigation mode,(the mode changes are cancelable and doing so allows PW an OTG via mya) then they will be able to create many more opportunities to enter Turnabout mode. So Turnabout mode is a primary goal, but learning to fight in trail mode is what’s going to get you there. I know DHC and assist are the way to go, but what happens when PW is your last character? All the super jumos to cross examination won’t do any good. Thank you Poltergust for helping me clarify. Always glad to meet a fellow PW fan =]
He s better than yoshi in trial mode
I’m pretty sure most people here know how to combo in Trial Mode. However, you’re gonna want to combo into Turnabout Mode as soon as you land a hit.
…Is this directed to me or something?