Wallcade saturday gatherings. were BACK ON 8/14

i think the majority of players have trouble making it out to sunday tournaments. a lot of players either work or go to school the following day. i know i’d prefer a saturday just because of how early i have to wake up on mondays.

Saturday for sure. Not driving down to fall river on a sunday, losing time and a half pay, and waking up at 7 am for class the next day.

The both of you always make it to Souper bowl and that tourney is always on Sunday’s. Who else has issue’s with this because I usually see the same people going to Souper bowl generally going to Wall’s also. I don’t see a problem with this unless Wall has a problem with it…so my vote is for Sunday’s.

OK my only problem with sundays is this
Souperbowl ends at 10pm no later
Walls last till 3 am which is FINE. just I cant stay out till 3am on sunday…

yeah I have classes on Monday so it needs to end at a reasonable time. Also there are no venues on saturdays so I’d rather prefer saturdays then sundays

Wallcade always has more players showing up compared to SouperBowl, which is why it usually runs later. I don’t think I have been to a wallcade that ever had a bracket smaller then 50 heads and never ends earlier then 1-2am

i do make it to souper bowl consistently…and it also ends at an early enough time where i can go home, relax for a little while, and still get a full nights sleep before i have to wake up at an ungodly hour for work. Wall’s consistently ends later than midnight, everytime. There hasn’t been a Wallcade that’s ended earlier than midnight, not once. I understand you have obligations on saturdays, but the majority of players from this area don’t, so my vote (and i’m sure the majority) is for saturdays. Too many people have class and work on monday morning to be at a tourney until 2am the night before.

10 pm. 1:45 am and i didnt even stay the whole time. just sayin.

Would anyone be interested in buying my Round 2 TE for 360 ? , i dont get much use out of it anymore since i never play anymore and its just sitting there in the box . its basically brand new considering i’ve used it only about 5 times . i payed 140$ for it but im just looking to get 100$ for it , if anyone is interested your best bet is to contact me on facebook . (facebook.com/xxglockwork) ; or i can try and get on here once and a while to check , but anyways i live in fall river too , like basically 2 blocks from Wallcade . so yeah if anyone is interested let me know !

I also figured that more people from out of state(that is farther than CT) try to make it to Wallcade. If it ends up being Sat. then I will end up going for casuals after I get out. Hey Paul, save me some pasta!

so what you’re saying is you wanted this tourney on saturday this entire time, right? :slight_smile:

Who are you?

Yo Fall River

I’m going to be in the newbedford/fallriver area this Saturday night and wondering if I can drop by for some gdlk games at the wallcade?

good games yesterday cp and will thanks for coming by my place. yo cp check this out OnGODS2 Day2 #1, GODS godsgarden on USTREAM. Video Game Marathon

Sako makes me wanna start using Cammy. His dive kick mixups and mindgames in general are off the hook.

yo paul any word on a november tournament?

ggs Saturday night, thanks for having me over smooth your chun is gdlk! Next time im in the area I’ll definitely hit you guys up

Definitely looking forward to the next Wallcade. It has been too long. Also, Saturday makes the most sense for these tournaments.

ya I will have one before this year ends so i can see all my friends i havnt seen in a while.