This is a thread about wake up game of Chun li.
Her wake up and the wake up of the opponent
For me a wake up is when you down or when you are in hit airborn and touch the ground after on your feet (with a flip). So the same thing apply to the opponent.
But before i have to link this thread.
“You can time a jump-in meaty enough so that it will force the opponent to block if they don’t reverse, but if they do reverse, you can land quickly enough to block their reversal”
First thing to know is learn to use them and learn to recognize them because the famous reversal ex sbk can be beaten by those safe jumps.
Chun li is Knockdown or in a flip mode
The first thing is to list option about what you want to do
With damage on your opponent
[]Crouch Medium kick cr mk on wake up
[]Hazan Shu
[]Ex SBK
[]Ex Hazan Shu
[]Super lk version[/LIST]
With no damage on your opponent
[]Tech throw
[]Crouch tech throw
[]Focus backdash
[]Crouch medium kick
[]Ex Hazan Shu
Damage options will work only if the opponent doesn’t block because try to attack or throw you but some throw and some attacks can beat your damage options
-----Crouch medium kick
I send you to the thread about that
[cr mk on wake up
But the good thing to know is you can dodge some jump attack and punish cross up too.
**Its works **if the jump attack is not deep because crouch mk lower the hit box of chun li.
A normal jump can hit you deep so even you do a cr mk, you can be hit but the good news is that a cross up jump attack is different.
If he wait, he can whiff so he better to hit early and not deep
A good example here at 06 : 23]( or (if you don’t have nico nico account)
At the beginning of the first round :
Chun li and blanka jump and meet in the air, chun li lose and go in flip mode. Blanka land before and rejump to cross up her like a meaty cross up.
She choose to do cr mk on her wake up (flip mode) and dodge the attack and hit blanka in the same time when he land.
The purpose, is to avoid the meaty cross up because even it’s easy to block, when you are in block stun, you are like a prisoner. Blanka can continue a combo on the ground and start some mixup so the purpose is to escape block stun.
It’s good to know when for example, you don’t have a lot of life and your opponent try to put in block stun to do some cheap damage after that.
Ken, blanka, Dictator/Bison, Gen love that
----- Hazan Shu LK
Hazan shu is like a short jump. The start up of the move cannot be throw so if you predict a throw, instead of try to jump or tech throw, you can use that and punish the whiff throw.
Its works because a throw works only if you are on the ground and with a hazan shu you are airborn since the beginning. Even a meaty throw cannot grab you i think (if you do a reversal of course)
The purpose is to avoid a grab and punish quickly cause an hazan shu ( LK version) hit in 23 frames. No throw can recover before that
The bad thing is that if you predict wrong and your opponent did an attack you will lose. If he block you are safe (except versus gief)
That is very useful versus abel who love use tornado throw and tornado throw ex.
Specially when you land after a flip mode
----- Ex SBK
I don’t know what to write about this move.
I use it often when my opponent is in the air when i wake up but often a cross up jump beat this move or worse he have time to land and block.
So now, i started to notice how my opponent jump on me before i use it.
In fact you have to use this move only if your opponent doesn’t jump meaty on you.
Of course this move beat throw, and some attack so you can use it also on grounded opponent but you never know if he will block.
About safe jump, i know that’s often after a throw or a sweep because you cannot quick standing so your opponent know exactly when you will wake up.
For example, if you ryu throw you (forward grab) and take a step back and jump after, it’s definitely a safe jump. Even for ken
Another example, if chun li grab you (forward throw) and take a step in forward then, it’s a safe jump too.
And Dictator, if he grab you (back throw), dash forward, jump, it’s a safe jump too.
If he do the same thing but with the forward throw, it’s a meaty cross up which stuff ex sbk too.
The best will be to list all of them
----- Ex Hazan Shu
I like this move to punish some meaty fireball on your wake (when the opponent is in the range of course)
This move have 14 frames of invincibilty so it’s the best move to escape far meaty attack and strike in the same time
The good is that the move doesn’t need charge and when you don’t have an ultra, a lot of shotos love do a meaty fireball and forget this move.
The bad is that if you whiff you can be punished
This move hit only grounded opponent
----- Ultra and Super (lk)
About the super lk version, this move have 3 frames of invincibility.
It’s not a lot but it’s better than only 1 frame ( MK and HK version)
Watch out about the ultra. If fei long or boxer try to cheap you on your wake up, her ultra will lose even if you launch right after them.
Chun li is invincible during 7 frames and fei long and boxer during 11 frames
Always on chun li’s wake up
No damage options : Some escape normal attack, some escape cheap damage, some escape block stun and others escape throw
----- Block
Nothing new but to block you have to know where to block.
Some characters like boxer can jump on you while you recovery and you just don’t know where he will land. You know only when you wake up and since boxer has rapid fire jab, if you guess wrong, you take a big combo.
I have a good friend who play boxer and explain me those ambiguous jump
Here is an example
at 00 : 20, just after the headbutt, boxer jump and they are near the corner, you can think he will cross up viper but that not the case and you can see it only when viper wake up. So the reason viper eat those jab is i think cause she block in the wrong way
At 01 : 52, just after the throw, boxer dash, and do a step before he jump. He land just when viper wake up and now it was a jump cross. Viper eat all the jab (again) and take a big combo with super. After that he do dash and a step but this time this jump don’t cross up and again Viper eat all the jab.
My friend tell me also he can choose to cross up or not if he jump empty, jump with HK or jump with HP. Jump with hp travel more that jump empty
Here is a video with gouki vs Sagat. I don’t know if it’s works on chun li but i wanted to point this too.
At 06 : 20, the first round show how gouki/akuma can be ambiguous with his jumps. Cross or not cross up
----- Tech throw and crouch tech throw
The good thing is you can block and escape a throw in the same time
The bad thing is that some character like Rufus and cammy can trap you with an instant jump dive kick who will result in a whiff throw and a whiff crouch lk.
In fact those techniques are vulnerable to a jump, a backdash or an instant back jump attack (chun li can do that) and of course special throw faster than a normal throw or which cannot be thrown
Example : Tornado throw (cannot be thrown), SPD (faster), Ultra and super of zangief (faster), demon flip grab version of gouki (cannot be thrown)
----- Backdash
The backdash of chun li takes 22 frames, it is invincible during the 8 first frame and she is airborne after the end of the invincibility
Since you can backdash on wake up, you avoid meaty attack, cheap damage and throw.
For example, ryu want to beat you with cheap damage because you have 0 life. He choose a dragon punch to force you to block but with a backdash you avoid this.
Until you are not in block stun, you are not forced to block. But once you choose to block, you cannot escape except if the combo end.
The purpose of the backdash is a way to keep the control of your character.
But you can be punished.
When a character safe jump on chun li and she choose to do back dash, the opponent have the time to land and hit her with an other move.
So be careful on safe jump again.
Here an example with Daigo vs Nemo
Quality is not good but you can see at 02 : 20, daigo hit nemo with his super, he wait a little (he whiff a dragon lp) and jump on nemo with HP.
It’s a safe jump and nemo choose to backdash but instantly a dragon hp come out when Daigo landed
Of course, its works only if the safe jump is timed well. On a normal jump (not meaty), if you choose to backdash, ryu cannot hit you with a dragon punch
Here again an example with Daigo vs Nemo (again) at 02 : 20 (again lol )
After his super he wait and jump on nemo but this time nemo block the jump. So daigo grab him. He wait a little and jump again (safe jump) but i think he jump too late cause nemo did a backdash and this time the dragon punch whiff.
And a last example with Chun li vs Akuma or or ( best quality, the 2nd video but the video will disappear soon )
In the first round, after his first sweep gouki do a demon flip meaty and grab her.
After the grab he wait a little and redo a demon flip meaty.
This time Chun li try to escape with a reversal backdash but Akuma punished her with a sweep when he land
----- Focus Back Dash
The trick is that you can wake up with a focus and choose to back dash after.
Of course focus give you some damage but unlike the back dash, a focus back is like a block (without the stun) + a back dash.
The purpose ? What Daigo did to nemo just before don’t work anymore. Because his jump attack will not whiff so ryu stay a little more in the air because he hit chun li.
That’s good also versus cross up because when some cross up you on your wake up, you cannot back dash, you have to forward dash and forward dash, doesn’t have invincibility.
But with a focus back dash wake up, you do a focus and to absorb the cross up and after that you can back dash cause your opponent is now in the other side.
Is it a way to avoid block stun when some like close you.
Here an example Chun li vs Dictator (no pro players, it’s me in a tournament in my place)
At 03 : 40, Dictator try a cross up and i escape with a focus follow by a back dash.
You can see when i do the focus, chun li is in the “wrong” way but after she did a backdash.
At 07 : 58, Dictator grab me and put me in the corner. He jump forward on me, so like that i am sure it’s a cross up and i do again
At 08 : 25 Dictator grab (forward version) and dash, step and jump. So his jump will cross up.
Perhaps a normal back dash works but with focus back dash, you have more security i think because if your backdash become forward dash, you will be in trouble
----- Jump
There are forward jump, back jump and straight jump.
When Chun li try the cross up DF HK on you, you can wake up, jump up and avoid it.
You can punish throw with an instant back jump attack on your wake up if you predict it.
Don’t know if jump forward is useful but i already seen Daigo (Ryu) use it on his wake up
----- Ex Hazan Shu
In fact you can use his invincibility startup to avoid cheap damage in the case or :
- You cannot backdash safely
- You forgot to charge for the Ex SBK
- You cannot jump safely
- When Ex SBk cannot save you
Some example, chun li do an ultra on you, and you forgot to charge so no ultra or Ex SBK. With hazan shu you avoid the ultra safely
If you try to jump, you will be hit in airborn. Same thing apply to a meaty ultra or special like the ex messiah kick, a far fireball, the ultra of blanka at the beginning, etc
Of course it’s only if you have 0 life or if cheap damage will beat you
----- Crouch medium kick
Sometimes, the crouch medium kick will just dodge but don’t hit your opponent. So don’t expect to hit always
Ok i think i have list the options i know when chun li is knockdown
Now what can she do when his opponent is down ?
PS : i speak french usually… so sorry if you don’t understand well.