Vs & TAG games - What's you Thoughts

"To get to the point, you can read on if you want my explanaition, anyways, why can’t capcom do what they have done in mortal kombat and make the Vs titles have the option of traditional 1 on 1 fighting, there are some great characters and tagging and trading ultras is fun for some people, but a whole other audience can be catered for with very little alterations apart from removing features so not alot of work would be needed.
WHy is it that all Vs games are these over the top display of fireworks, isn’t the chance to play with characters out of the SF universe enough?"

I once read that the Japanese prefer street Fighter over Marvel Vs Capacom and other Vs titles due to the fact that SF was more about the straight forward fighting where as VS titlkes were more about overthe top Supers/Ultras etc. And this seems to be true due to the current arguments at the moment over the fact that the U.S has more years competition experience in MvC compared to Japan.

The thing is I’m with the Japs on the fact that I prefer the gamplay of SF over Vs titles, as I think there is more skill involved and supers are kool and yes they are more visually amazing in Vs titles, but a screen filled with a giant firebal is ridiculous, and the game is less about punchs and kicks and more about fireworks.

The other thing that is a urn off is the tag element, your playing with a character and before you have a chance to get to grips with him/her you have to tag [mainly due to health reasons] so the flow is broken up, I personally feel that you become less conected with the character you have picked, and the games have become so in depth now that it is important to know your character. The pace of play is fast and it has started to become to crazy. When watching action movies, take transformers for instance, there are alot of amazing effects that they have spent time on [I hate the look of the robots I’m a g! fan by the way], but the way they shoot action scenes now, they chop quickly from one shot to another, there is no way that you can focus on anything and take it all in, so it becomes pointless. I want to see whats going on and appreciate the action and alll the detail, it’s all becoming a blurr.

Vs titles can be a button mashing fest or a very strategic game, but there is no middle ground. There are so many combo and super options due to the tagging, and so many assists and team combinations that the game becomes overwhelming, and the crazy pace and inevitable trade off of ultras tends to leave the old fashioned punches and kicks behind. The Vs titles have so much going on and for some people like myself it’s not the fact that we can’t play them it’s the fact we don’t want to. I like duck, I hate plumb sauce, even if I did like plumb sauce, I don’t want it iding the flavour of my duck. WHy can’t capcom do what WB have done with MOrtal Kombat, and make Tagging an option. I would love to play MvC but I just want to play 1 on 1, that way I can connect with my character and have my combo blocked, I don’t want my combo blocked by a nuclear bomb, tagging would be kool if there was more fighting skill involved [don’t get me wrong there is alot of skill involved in MvC if you know what you are doing, but it involves knowing every sigles character and knowing the best combinations to use for assists etc] the fact that a button masher can so easily pull off afireball from floor to ceilling with missle laucnhrs and wot not is off putting. And I don’t want to have to learn strategies of team combinations, I just want one on one figthting. The fact there is so much choice is whty they have simplified the buttons to weak medium hard attacks instead of weak medium hard, kicks and punches, but I find that more complicate din away, don’t know why but I knew what I was getting with the kicks and punchs separated.

Does anyone else feel like this, I know most of you are from the U.S. but don’t you think the option of being able to play a Vs title as a traditional SF style gameplay, wouldn’t be a hard thing to impliment at all, no gameplay mechanics would have to be worked out as it’s alredy there, it would literall y mean turning features off, SF is crazy enough with fireballs, even the jumps are crazy, being able to jump right over someones head is enough super powers for me, I just want to trade punchs and have challenging combos, and I want my moves intercepted by a block not by a super which is tagged in so 2 supers fill the screen, maybe I’m getting old, but I wanna play these characters that are in Vs games but in the old fashioned style. I hope someone at capcom is listening, or comehacker can make a patch.

That is a fucking massive wall of text, please use paragraphs.

buy skullgirls when it comes out o.o it sounds like it will have what u want

Marvel 3 is shit and one of the worst things to happen to fighting games in years.

X-men vs Street Fighter was the best in the versus series because everyone, not 4-5 characters, were viable due to a balanced game system.

Make your point and don’t write a essay. This isn’t an English class.

The end.

That’s not an essay…that’s gibberish.

Balance between sprites and character movesets means nothing if every character plays the same. The 8-10 viable characters in MvC2 still rewarded a variety of playstyles and strategies.

no versus threads for god sake
why every fucker comes to FGD to make garbage threads???

Cause its SRK. Its like a magnet for morons ^.^

OP never played a vs game before MvC3

Wow, I think that has got to be one of th e dumbest things that I have ever read, ever.

I see a lot of words but not much content.
Short answer: the vs. series characters were built for the vs. engines(which are all in some way based off the CotA engine). If you want 1v1 then find the PSX ports of the VS games or get remixed versions of them in mugen.