VS Balrog (Boxer) Crossup Tic Throw

I think you all know what i’m talking about… grab…headbutt… headbutt… headbutt… walk to your other side when you’re dropping. crouch jab/strong… instantly… grab…headbutt… headbutt… headbutt… repeat until done… How do you counter something like that? VERY ANNOYING!

Oh yeah, ST of course

You can reverse throw or try a reversal special to counter him.

how do i do it with Bison (dictator)? no reversals!!! the timing is so good that i can’t pull anything off because the crouch strong takes up so many frames. I wish i could show you guys a video… damnit, it’s so fustrating. Do you guys fully understand the situation? if not… it’s like this

grab… headbutt… headbutt… when i am released from it, theres a period where i’m floating in the air. Balrog walks over to my other side. Strong crouching instantly grab again. And this never ends because reverse is so hard with so many frames of strong crouch. Please help me!

Throw him before he gets the chance to throw you. This is done by throwing at the earliest moment possible, just as you get out of blockstun or hitstun. One common mistake is that people mash the throw instead of trying to get the timing down, so they rarely manage to reverse the throw. So nail down the timing, use double tapping (discussed in the wiki I believe) and that boxer player will have to think of better strategies to beat you.

improve your timing, i highly recommend blocking the low forward then reversing.

Like Graham said, you can throw him before he throws you.

You can also do a reversal throw as you land (before Boxer does the cr.Strong or cr.Forward), though this is more risky if your reversal timing isn’t good.

Just wanted to echo the others comments, and add a bit of clarification. If you have the super charged(which is a reversal) you can try to pull that off on the exact frame that you come out of block or hit stun. However, if you can’t pull that off with the tight timing you’d need, then your best bet is to try to beat him to the throw.

When doing either of these moves, you should utilize the “piano input” method(or “double tapping” as professor called it). The way it works is this. Rather than hammering on a button to get the throw, you try to input the command only at exact right moment in time. However, instead of just tapping a button(say medium punch), what you do is roll your fingers quickly across the buttons that will do the move. So, to throw you’d do this:

  1. Wait til the exact frame that you get out of block stun.
  2. Hold forward/back
  3. Press MP, press FP, release MP, release FP.

The reason you do this is simple. The game counts pressing a button and releasing a button both as an input. Therefore, if you push and release each of these buttons in quick succession then you’ll input four throw commands within four frames. So, as long as you’ve got your timing almost right, it means you’ll try to throw on the first frame that a throw is valid. If you do this right, you’ll have at least 50/50 odds of throwing him.

You can also apply this to the super move by rolling LK, MK, and FK together. But I’d try to get the throw down first. The super is a lot easier to screw up.

Hi Chris, how’s the timing coming along!?

how do i do a shoryuken if i am turning around during the input? would it be

down, forward, and downback punch?!?

because that’s probably the only way i can think of that will reverse this

forward to down to downback punch.

Edit: Just tested, no you can’t negative edge throws (except for special moves like SPD, ochio, etc.)

I think you have to be careful about blocking the first hit after he throws and walks underneath you. If he’s good, his attack can push you out of your throw range but still be within his range, which means you are definitely screwed.

Here’s a decent trick you can play with: After he throws you and walk close to you again, whether he goes behind or not, do a reversal-timing throw with 2 buttons at the “correct” time, then go back to defensive crouch immediately. You can also apply this kind of technique to reversal-specials like dp’s and charge moves. I can’t say that the best of the best use this trick, but I think it can help some of us scrubs gets some reversals when we have to guess timings while still having a chance to block a potentially devestating combo.

Maybe I’m not understanding your trick, but it sounds like you want to option select between reversal throw and crouch block. If you can’t throw from down/back, I don’t see how this can work. On the first frame Dic lands after a headbut, either he gets the reversal throw, or the low punch connects. There’s no time to go from back to down/back; it has to be one or the other.

Edit: Just tested, no you can’t negative edge throws (except for special moves like SPD, ochio, etc.)

You can’t, but you can still press more thows buttons for a better chance, one just does not get the extra ones of the negative edge.

Originally Posted by jaminbenjamin
Here’s a decent trick you can play with: After he throws you and walk close to you again, whether he goes behind or not, do a reversal-timing throw with 2 buttons at the “correct” time, then go back to defensive crouch immediately. You can also apply this kind of technique to reversal-specials like dp’s and charge moves. I can’t say that the best of the best use this trick, but I think it can help some of us scrubs gets some reversals when we have to guess timings while still having a chance to block a potentially devestating combo.

I tought you could do that on reversals and not throws. If he is going for the reversal dp like he said he could then use that techniche, like is explain of the wiki.

Safe Reversal
Safe reversal is a very useful (but very difficult) option select technique. When your opponent does a meaty to you, safe reversal allows you to attempt a reversal risk-free. For the command of the move you’re attempting to do as a reversal, rather than leaving the stick in the command’s final position and pushing the buttons, if you quickly move the stick to D/B and release the buttons after finishing the motion, you will block if you didn’t time the reversal correctly.

For example, with Ryu, as you’re getting up, hold all three punches, then do F, D, DF, D/B+release Jab~release Strong~release Fierce. If you timed it correctly, you will get a DP. If you didn’t time it correctly, you will block. Note that you only have a relatively small window of time to reach D/B and release the buttons, so you must be quick.

No shit? I never knew that! At any rate, yeah when you roll the buttons you at least you get some extra input(s).

Hand placement for reversing with 4 throws?

While we’re on the subject of doing piano (or “multi-tap”) inputs to get reversal throws, can someone suggest a good hand placement for doing so on characters who have more than two throw buttons?

For example, the wiki suggests that you should try to reversal throw with Ryu with all 4 of his throws (Strong, Fierce, Forward, and Roundhouse), but it seems like in actual play that could be tricky to perform. I’m guessing just mashing one’s palm on the 4 rightmost buttons wouldn’t work very well. Anyone have specifics on a good way to do this?

Index finger on Strong, thumb on Forward, middle finger on Fierce, ring finger on RH.

Piano input in this order: RH~Fierce~Strong~Forward

That’s the easiest way for me to do it.

I guess it was a bad idea to post scrub tactics, since everyone wants to talk about first-frame-timing to prove you wrong. However, in reality, some of us scrubs need to try something different when we’re getting beat by the same thing in a match. The technique I described is close to option select, as above posters have explained. But it’s a less technical technique and a more deal-with-your-shitty-timing-skills technique. Sorry to bother all the flawless players. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.

thanks for all the help guys, this debate is goin crazy… i just tried it out against my friend… a good ol’ shoryuken does the job, just need the timing… however… i guess i won’t be playing dic vs boxer anymore… cause dic got no reversal moves except a 50% chance of throwing him… and special… which would require me to charge the bar…