why have there been 2 votes and nobody stating why?
btw dan i voted for you.
i couldnt vote for myself so i chose between the others.
dan simply on your improvement in the last week and also the depth in your tag. you have direction with a simplitic tag, though there are flaws it was better than the others to me. :tup:
TestuAKA and DanD both look too similar. TatGuy is still using the same clouds. Worthless’s colors aren’t to my liking…
I going with [COLOR=“Cyan”]GuMz, since like always, he always brings something fresh and new to his entries. Plus his earth tone colors stand out more from the other entries and caught my eye (:wonder: the good one) first… dood.[/COLOR]
lol random, i made my tag like a week before he did. you shouldnt judge mine agianst his because they are similar. :wonder:
where are my flow issues tat? its odd how TM peeps liked this and srk kids dont.
beats me lol.
I’m going to have to go with Tets. I personally like the crispness of the image and I’m fond of the colors, though I saw the other versions of that one you have up at TM and I think I liked another one better.
My only gripe with GuMz’ tag was the text, both the micro text and the “Taste the Thunder” text. Otherwise, I like the originality.