I’d like to know the projectile durability on all his moves before I say something.
But for now Joe is the only person in the game as far as I know able to fill the screen with crap while running/advancing with a fast pace.
I even consider Joe a mini Strider cause of how IAD Voomerangs forward puts your opponent in long block states. Just needs an assist to cover the gaps when IAD back and you have some long block strings. Only thing missing would be a teleport. xD
From what I’ve seen of RR, Viewtiful Joe has better control when at or above the opponents head thanks to different voomerangs and divekicks, while RR projectiles, traps and teleports better control the opponent from head down. They each look to fill a different niche and probably will work very well together when paired for just such a reason.
No one in the game can rush down like Joe can, not even now.
This will probably stay true as UMvC3 progresses. I really hope people realize just how devastating it is. All they needed to do was make an air vroomerang that goes up/backwards and he would be really stupid in my opinion. That would make up for his lack of air-to-air range when fighting other rushdown characters by basically giving him a damn moving shield.
Joe’s voomerang spam is very stupid but I learned that Its not very effective for rushdown if your opponent is aware enough to pushblock all of the voomerangs. I realized that I needed to stop throwing them and let my assist do some work so I can just simply dash in. Of course if they get hit by my assist I can combo 3 more airdash voomerangs and them I’m in. =)
No. Let them pushblock.
That means they can’t get out of the blockstring. Vroomerangs do a really good amount of chip. I chipped out an opponent just by TRYING to rushdown with them the entire time. He basically killed himself.
Besides, yeah, just slow down your vroomerangs. Throw about 2, call assist, get high and do medium RHK. Once Joe is close, he has a TON of options to use. It’s insane to me that a divekick like RHK, which is a special, is an overhead, yet Wolverine’s isn’t.
No, no normally I’m fine with them push blocking that’s fine. Like you so many of my wins come from me trying to rushdown or my opponent dying to just chip damage alone. Joe has good keep away against even some of the best rushdown characters like Magneto and Wesker and I usually do fine against them. So its perfectly fine.
Its just that I have to come to grips that voomerang spam as stupid as it is not as efficient as just getting in on the opponent and simply killing them. You can spam all day against characters but if good rushdown characters like Wesker or Mags gets in just one I’m done. Magneto will DHC glitch, and Wesker will just XF1 me and kill me off (Keep in mind that this makes me happy because people realize how much trouble my Joe really is and will do whatever it takes to just get rid of him). Some characters like She-Hulk and Hulk have no chance of catching me so I just spam all day, but I have to be more conservative about spam against faster characters. One good teleport from Dante or Wesker and I’ll end up doing a RHK. If I’m lucky I’ll hit them if not I land on the ground and they punish my recovery.
I know next to nothing about Rocket Raccoon other than what we all gathered from various trailers of him so I really can’t give a good answer.
Rocket as far as i know dont have an invincible super ~_~
Like I said. No one can rush down like Joe can. (Including Raccoon)
Joe also has his slow, which can be easily DHC’d out of now, a huge benefit to just about any team. He has one of the hardest hitting fullscreen supers which also happens to be one of the toughest if not the toughest projectile in the game, bowling through just about anything it clashes with and still hitting the opponent and canceling whatever they were doing. And an invisible overhead, funsies. <3
He doesn’t have TOO much that is significantly different, but they’re there.
I don’t think Ultimate has affected Joe all that much at all, tbh.
But I guess we’ll see.
The dodge is going to add to Joe’s ground game, which is actually his weakest point. He’s extremely strong in the air.
Hi guys, sorry but I forgot to put this in the notes before. I’ll leave it here since it seems more appropriate now.
- I was not able to DHC out of slow at all, I tried mashing, early DHC, late DHC, nothing worked, he always completes the animation and then resets.
- SIx cannon does otg if shot in the air, I did small air combo to knockdown to neutral jump hyper and it works. Don’t remember if shooting it grounded otgs but I would guess no.
Thanks much. It wouldn’t matter much if grounded Six Cannon could OTG, because we could always TK it. So no biggie for us.
Well that’s disapointing, but i had a few combos with ironman repulsor blast and shocking pink to allow me to combo out of godhand midscreen (character specific and tight link, prorated damage hard). With the faster shocking pink and the fact that we no longer need to delay the bomb to keep it from exploding, hopefully I’ll be able to find some new stuff that allows me to combo out of it.
Ug the lost of DHC from God hand makes me sad…
I’m going to have to find ways to utilize V-Dodge. Seriously, I’m so fascinated with the move. Depending on how long the dodge is invuln frame-wise, plus the already insane 30-some invuln frames of Mach Speed, we might be able to punish some ridiculous stuff
I’m glad they made him harder to hit. Makes him truer to his games. If Dante can combo for 50 years due to his DMC status, Joe should be one of the hardest things to hit in Marvel. If only oh if only he was a little more like his TvC self… No point in dreaming though.
Jump - Air-Dash - :qcf::l:
Jump - Air-Dash - :qcf::l:
… V.Dodge
can you do red hot kick then doge? cause if you can its over no one is touching joe!!!
Can joe v.dodge in the air?