Videogame companies and or series that have gotten worse or gotten better?

It’s like 28 degrees outside and we’re months away from season finales. Not much else left to do.

I can’t stress enough how much I hate it when developers do this. I can understand how shit can look similar like CoD, Battlefield, and Medal of Honor. Those games are like war simulators so I guess they can’t go too imaginative. But for a game like FEAR 3 which relied on ambience and horror, it was really unnecessary for Monolith to incorporate the other crap just because they were worried about sales.

Sometimes it works but they have to be simple shit or “oh hey that is actually a really balanced thing” like how a lot of modern fighting games use some meter to enhance a normal move.


There isn’t even a playable build of Fuse available yet. How the fuck did they turn to shit?

interesting thought…i can see this for capcom specifically when they tried to dumb down all the new fighters to bring in new blood. so it was easier access for people to pick up and not be assraped by vets. and yet…we got a 10 yr old playing kof 13 at a very high level. i think they expected too little from their audience in an attempt to bring people in. when honestly dont change what aignt broke. the arcade scene didnt die cause it was hard, it died cause it didnt change with the times of how people accessed the games themselves.

Developers need to stop treating its consumers like 5 year olds.

Correct me if I’m wrong but it sounds like you’re saying KOF13 sucks. If that’s the case I’d like to know what you’re smoking but I’ll settle for you telling me what makes KOF13 so shitty compared to the previous ones.

I guess I’m the stupid one for thinking SRK’ers actually read threads before posting in them.

Before teaming up with EA it was called Overstrike so if the game ends up sucking everyone will blame EA for it while idolizing Insomniac. In all fairness there is a good chance EA’s meddling will end up making Fuse less fun than it could be, that being said I think even people like me who are burned out on shooters can find a lot to look forward to in Fuse.

Damn I remember watching the Overstrike trailer and it looked pretty hype, and Fuse is looking pretty boss right now too.

Fuse is being published through EA’s partner’s program. They don’t have a stake in outside of handling publishing and distribution.

I’m probably the only person in this thread who still enjoys playing SF4 and has gotten my money’s worth from the updates. I will agree that the shortcuts and how they approach making the game more accessible wasn’t necessary, however.

Other than that, I can count all the current gen games I’ve played more than once on one hand. I’m not sure if it’s a quality issue or just a lack of in-game memorable experiences…

It’s not that XIII is bad compared to previous games (especially XII). It’s that the game is underwhelming for when it came out.

Should have given us more fan favorite characters with better character design and less moe pandering, visual novel bs.

Dear god what did Blizzard do to that game. It was still unfinished when they released it, and is still a far worse game then Diablo II.

Ironically Treyarch finally released a COD better then one IW did.

And yet, I’m probably not going to end up buying it. That is the power of reputation.

resident evil 6…

never thought Id actually NOT PLAY a “resident evil game”.

[quote=“jae_hoon, post:52, topic:159337”]

Actually Diablo 3 has VASTLY gotten better.

You could tell that Blizzard was trying to give Diablo 3 the WoW treatment. Inferno should have been difficult in an effort sense, not in a bullshit affix sense (those damn threshers with fast, fire chains, horde and stuff…). Blizzard tried to make Inferno like a raid instance =>quantity over quality of time spent. Now the game is much better but it’s the whole too little too late fiasco.

every madden since '04 has been significantly better than the last and the online code is pretty seamless at this point.

Fixed for accuracy

For sure EA. Blizzard is just as bad too with their starcraft model of giving you 3 different campaigns in 3 different games that you gotta pay for… the hell? Don’t get me started on Diablo III.

Final Fantasy has gone down the shitter for the most part. I enjoyed 13 to a degree. It was beautiful and the battle system was incredible, but the entire game felt like it was on rails. Nothing compares to the FF days of yore.

the single player campaign is such a small part of SC these days; thats an oversimplification.