I saw a thread like this for an A3 match. What they did was take a video, then have someone break it down and explain important intricate details. The thing is if you’re not reviewing your own videos, its impossible to fully understand what someone is attempting or thinking of doing so this thread may not work. Its also a different way of teaching and I don’t have to really hand out personal knowledge as much as I did.
lol yea this was a bad idea. I thought this was something I could do
i think its a good thread
where the videos at
Here is a few matches from EVOwest of clockw0rk vs DUC,
Of course the first thing that came to mind was that duc didnt play team duc, which would have been cool to see. Second was duc’s sent/cyclops vs Clockw0rk’s sent/doom.
i love the way Duc played sent here, it was just beautiful. Anybody have any thoughts on these matches?
mabey soembody can comment on something?
no, thats pretty much how you stop sent\doom with sent\cyke.
Take sent vs sent solo. The key position in this fight is to stay above the other robot while not getting CH. Sents f.normals for the most part go @ a downward angle and you should make the most of those angles.
Now add the assist into the equation. Well, cyke is invincible and doom isn’t. So the ideal way to fight sent\doom is to maintain that dominant sentinel position and only use cyke AA when doom is present. Basically, try to keep it a solo sent fight and let the assists fight each other. Doom can’t stop that angle where another sentinel has dominant position. It has be done by the other sentinel. If its done like this, its very hard to stop. Especially in the corner.
I’d like to hear clock and snake mention something about how to stop that from happening because the way I see it, it can’t be stopped if done properly.
Always go for snapbacks!
alot of sents i see who try to pin people, are overactive and let people super jump eventaully, duc seems to have his limbs out there already, wasnt flashy or anything, i want my sent to be that good!!!
from a SENT newb’s perspective(my perspective),
i really want to know what clock was thinking in that situation.
@ times like that, I curse sent\doom for being so horrible.:wasted:
snake\clock, is there any way @ all to deal w\ that?
he was wishing he had commando on the squad
let’s see how this goes.
snake vs j360 match starts @ 2:30
@ certain ranges, doom rocks beat drones. You don’t want the drones @ dooms head, you want the swirling rocks to match the hit boxes of the drones.
j360 calls his drones and snakes block them. Meaning that its a free doom call and a chance to get things started. He doesn’t take the BnB but decides to take an option tree and go for another layer.
because of the first layer @ 2:35, snake gets to apply easy pressure. He ch’s magneto’s SJ attempt with a f.lk, land s.lk, s.mp, rocks are on their way, fly, unfly, c.lk, cancel fly f.lk, f.rh, f.RP.
a very smart move. He recognizes that magneto dies immediately and before the dead body hits the ground, he dashes towards the corner causing a screen shift allowing for doom to get a corner chip rotation. Doom chips more in the corner because the opponents sprite isn’t sliding away due to block stun.
I’m not sure what he’s trying to do right here. IMO, it looks like he was trying to slow j360’s sent down with a doom+hsf chip pattern and j360 gets away. Instead of letting sentinel take a free combo, he DHC’s into strider. This means he has a fairly healthy sentinel with drones available for use so he won’t technically need all the bar in the world to be effective.
after the DHC into strider, j360’s sentinel is in flight mode. snake does a nj, DJ and orbs to cause a screen drag set of rings to force sentinel down.
the wrong pattern, even though it was free, caused in an improper trap rep allowing for sentinel to CH strider easy with a psychic s.rh? a very high level technique with strider is to create gapped setups meaning that the trap won’t be tight. It will allow for an opportunity for your opponent to get away. With this technique in place, it creates opportunities for you to CH your opponent for something big or damage on assists with bomb cancels into orbs. Snake does know about this so in essence, this is either a mistake or a gapped setup that he tried to do that back fired on him.
j360’s sentinel does a HSF while snakes sentinel is out there. Striders horizontal sprite box is smaller than sentinels so snakes sentinel is taking the hits while strider can’t be hit. A good realization on snakes part and activates. Not only to stop his sent from being hurt further but also to start a trap rep.
imo, this looks like a well timed gapped setup. By calling doom early, he can’t reorb but strider still maintains next move advantage. So instead of trapping again, snakes op to take a different route. Even though it doesn’t quite work, its planting that seed of doubt of when your opponent realizes he’s out of block stun.
The easiest way to trap someone is when they don’t know where to push block. By using gapped setups, and multiple variations of reorb strings it goes into double digit ways of hitting someone, trapping someone, or forcing someone to do some thing.
A very costly mistake, especially when strider is low on life. A wall climb. Instead of dive kicking immediately, snake’s does the double wall dash to force strider to drop down and when the game lets him go from this, he’s in NJ mode. He calls his drones and gets a pretty random xup and he snaps out j360’s sentinel.
snake throws a few extra rings to cause IM to slide back but J360 pushblocks him so there’s NO slide back. A fucked up trap rep if I’m judging it right. Since snake knows about the gapped setups, its very hard to see whats a mistake and what he meant to do.
But by judging what he tried to follow it up with, I’m guessing this was a mistake he saw unfolding and tried to cover it up asap.
another well played wall climb. The thing about the wall climb is that it WILL happen. The best thing you can do as a strider player is work it for all its worth. In this case, j360 went to chase him and snake simply fell down this time as opposed to last time where he used a trick to get down.
hot combo. IM tries to unibeam strider for some quick chip points. Snake teleports, falling j.lk, j.mk, dash under, c.lp, c.mp, c.fp crossup.
strider c.lp, c.mp and s.lp, s.mp both juggle mid air.
A very nice reorb pattern. You don’t have to cause block stun or hit stun to create a nice setup. In this case, snake realizes that j360 jumps into the air, he calls his doom and dashes underneath IM to create a doom xup into orbs. Every tiny bit of hit life counts. When you add up all these little nuances, it can total to about 50% life of a possible 300% in marvel terms of life. 100% per character.
50% life is roughly 4-6 bars depending on what you know mid screen. Less times to activate = better gameplay. You don’t have to worry about those grab supers or a fucked up teleport into a repin. Get the life, the chip is just bonus.
lol, I hope I didn’t butcher up that shit too bad. Snake is a very tricky player. I can tell by watching some of his vids that he’s up to no good a majority of the time so things may not entirely be completely clear. I’m not psychic, I don’t know what snake is thinking nor j360 and any other vids that I may possibly review in time.
I would like snakes input to see if the majority of what I said is correct and how bout some s\d noobies put in 2 cents to see whether or not this type of thread could help them out with their game play.
of course, if my first attempt came out fairly well, I won’t just reviewing videos of where strider wins lol. All though its important to understand why you win, its 100x more important to understand why you lost.
Interesting idea
Haha, nice analysis Shoult. Did you catch me vs Genghis on Preppy’s site? Maybe you should analyze that, haha.
snake vs genghis
should be the first video available for dl-ed from the link.
I would of liked to see the first part of the video but it was recorded late.:annoy:
" Drop bombs on em!!" :karate:
This is a true test of s\d first of all. iirc, genghis played with clockw0rk before clockw0rk was clockw0rk if that makes any sense. Playing someone who is used to s\d and knows the inner working is the hardest fight IMO. If you look around, there aren’t too many s\d players left so by default, not many people will have the proper know how to actually stop it effectively. The team will always have a " I don’t know what to do" factor against the majority of the community BUT fighting against someone who’s experienced against takes away that " I don’t know" factor. Its a different fight, s\d is still effective but it must be played solid as fuck.
I guess I’ll start on the 2nd game which starts @ 1:27
sent\doom vs sent\capcom can be a tricky fight for s\d players. The first thing you should probably consider is to gain unfly immediately and try to gain a life advantage. Snake takes a mando right off the bat to gain unfly which could potentially help him out down the road.
after a little air footsie with bot vs bot, snake lands a solid CH into FF. BY doing this, he gets to position his doom assist on his opponents side of the screen meaning its a free snuff out on capcom if they try to gain the air advantage again so snake gets a free relayer.
genghis gets a little momentum going for a solid amount of time. Snake waits patiently and properly layers his doom to stop that mando so genghis’ sentinel can’t relayer. He turns this into a DHC into strider’s orbs. Its important to note that his sentinel had about 40% life left and could recover around 55% life. This means he’s able to use his drones mid game w\o sentinel dying in one hit as an assist.
snake uses a gapped setup but genghis doesn’t fall for it. Instead, snake recognizes it and follow it up with a c.fp, dog, activate.
essentially, this is how you use gapped setups. You see if they want to fall for it, if they don’t take the bait, you go in and trap, or setup a situation to gain some life.
genghis realizes that snakes trap pattern isn’t quite tight enough and tries to sneak in a quick mando AA to pop strider really quick and almost works. However, genghis gets away with his storm.
Now, when snake dumped that bar on that gapped setup, he had around 1.2 bars. So when storm ran away, he only had 20% left. Its pointless to chase storm in this scenario. Why bother? even if you mange to bring her down, you can’t trap again. IMO, snake plays the right card and ops to build a little bar on the ground.
he’s in a pretty tight spot here. He doesn’t have much bar to really work with, 0.5, and genghis has a pretty healthy meter going, 2.7.
In this scenario, you should fight with strider but carefully. You want to build bar as well as force storm to dump as many of her bars if possible.
A mistake on snakes part. He activates in the wrong range and he eats a mando AA clean and genghis does a hail. You never want to take those. :wasted:
snake catches a lucky break and genghis accidently alpha counters into sentinel and snake kills genghis sentinel.
as mando is coming in, snake does bird+drones+activation. Genghis does have the bar to dhc mando out easy so by doing this and using trap patterns, he can force genghis to force a mistake.
A gapped setup and genghis takes the bait. While genghis is sitting up there throwing those air flames with mando, snake throws a bomb for a mixup opportunity. He times his teleport as mando decides to quit, and snakes teleport coincides with mando’s decent. The machines that throw the orbs, smack mando right into the bomb for some quick needed life.
snakes choice into trap mando early as sentinel dies pays off. He forces genghis to alpha counter in order to save his mando. Its a free combo, for snake right back into the corner where a magic series+doom is guaranteed against thrax.
snake fucks and strider dies but he’s done his part. He’s done enough life to genghis that his doom\sent can clean up easy.
However, in that predicament, its not highly recommended to teleport into the corner with strider having only 5% life. Any CH will kill him easy and now you’re stuck in the corner which you don’t want to be in. He’s also lucky that his doom didn’t get launced for free as an assist.
but hey, he was on the ropes this game and managed a very solid come back. Proper strategy along with great execution is how you play s\d.
:tup: Good shi’t, I was curious about that match myself. I was jumping from stick to stick at EVO and was using Blazinflo’s stick during that match. One of the wires on my joystick got loose and screwed me from using my own stick at EVO, haha. I prefer using my loose 8-way over a tighter 360, but was forced to use a 360 for the whole tournament. I just wanted to point this out just in case anyone goes “wtf” since I’m playing a bit sluggish. I’m not trying to make excuses, because Genghis is obviously good. There’s always next year!
Nice job. Really helpful in breaking down S/D’s gameplan.
damn, that sucks. To train on an 8 way all that time then when the tournament you’re training for comes around, you gotta switch sticks. :wasted:
To be honest, I can only play on my own stick for marvel because its what I use 24\7 for the most part. I can play on other peoples sticks but I won’t be @ 100%.
Yeah, I had it fixed for the second day when casuals were going on. I was trying to get some money games in. I remember Clock was like “What the Fuck?” when I lent him my stick because it was too lose, haha. (no homo) Everyone has a preference in stick. I can’t stand 360’s. Haha, I’m an old schooler, I don’t like automatic technology, even my car is stick shift!
By the way, anyone coming to NEC?
Edit: I was just watching me vs Genghis…I’m such an idiot, I had the first match won. I got too impatient and assisted recklessly. I should cut off my damn hand for doing that. “…You don’t understand…i could have class! I could have been a contender…” (On the Waterfront 1954)
yeah man snake you had that match, and up until you ate like 3 hailstorms, you were totally beasting with strider/doom. MAde me cry when you lost lol, just watch out for that stuff, you’re good.
btw, is [media=youtube]aFdBYJkb_AQ[/media] you snakeshotpeople?
yea, thats him.
yo, snake who won that MM between you and blazinflo?
j360 got a perfect?? oh snap. That magga is straight beast :rock:
Basically we ran it three times. First time I lost, second time I won, third time I lost. He couldn’t move, somehow the yellow button was pressed during my strider infinite on his sentinel… I got sent to losers by Flash metroid (second NEC in a row) He won 2-1 last game by time over, I fucked up big time. and I got Peaced out in losers by Juicy G. , I’ll put them up to see. Wow, what a coincidence, I got eliminated by top guilty gear players, haha. Yeah, Josh beat Caddles, it was so free. He was choking hard the first money match they had. The second time he had loosened up, so he totally erfed him. I was suppose to play caddles, but suddenly he didn’t want to play me. Because he wanted to run it back with Josh. I was so pissed, he would have been free. I’ll see if preppy wants to host my matches or I might just put them on youtube.