Video Game General v8.01D : PC Gaming Golden Age, Big Box (Part 1)

It’s not like it’s an important plot detail or anything. It’s the same for Necron, you don’t really need to know about him before hand, what he is is rather simple and straight forward, if you just pay attention to him when he talks it’s very clear what he is and why he exists. So.digging is just some cool early bird shit with him.


God now I want to play IX again. Just gotta pick what system to play it on since I own it on every console its been released for. Lol

I’m such a slave to Squee.

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Hey, the game where you are an accidental protag guy with his own harem vs a Tree and his Gay lover is epic.

And yes the Homosexual Tree is a better villian than Emo McEmoface with Mommy issues who got killed before the game even started.

Not in the game, then I don’t really care. Its not like starwars or some other multi media IP where they don’t have the time and space to cover everything from the films.

So, with Kefka, there’s several times where you beat him prior to his ascension. Unlike the Batman/Joker comparison, this is in a contained story. It really didn’t do much to establish him as this big, evil force to me. But let’s run down the list from 1-10 in villains

1: Garland/Chaos - Actually pretty neat in that he creates the paradox that creates him.

2: Emperor - This dude actually was a good villain in the worst FF game. He was ruthless and always a major threat the entire step of the way.

3: Cloud of Darkness - Literally out of nowhere, but she has tits and a banging theme song, so we forgive her.

4: Zeromus - Also mostly out of nowhere, but at least they tried to establish him some before he came out.

5: Ex Death - One of my favorites. He had conquered a world before you even got started and nearly ruined yours before you even knew who he was. And that was when he was sealed away. Once he escaped, things just got worse on a cosmic level.

6: Kefka - Crazy sneaky and manipulative, but several story beats undermine his threat level. A lot of 6’s plot can be compared to 2 actually in how you are on the run from the big bad empire. Had they established Kefka as not just crazy, but crazy powerful, I’d have bought into him much more.

7: Sephiroth - He’s really not any less crazy than Kefka, just way less manic about it. Also, he didn’t die before the game started, just was in stasis. They still put in the effort to say “Hey, he’s really way stronger than you!” so that the eventual triumph over him feels like an accomplishment.

8: Ultimecia - Would have been a lot more interesting if the whole Rinoa theory didn’t get debunked. Damn, disc 3 made this game dumb as hell. At least we got Triple Triad.

9: Kuja - Not even going to acknowledge Necron. Kuja did everything Kefka did, but better and with more style. He destroyed a world, gained godlike power, overthrew his Master/Patron, and sowed chaos all over the planet.

10: Who the hell do we even put here? Yu Yevon? Seymour? Great game though.

I thought that was a great throwback. The very first princess of FF


Could Religion itself be considered the villian of FFX?

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No it was Tidus fuck that guy.

That would technically be Yu Yevon, since he essentially established the religion. They weren’t really clear on his goals, he just wanted to be summoning eternally within Sin. Then Seymour wanted to be the same guy without knowing someone else had been doing that for centuries before him.

Then Tidus kicks a land mine and blows himself up.


Eh not really. He’s pretty fucking ham fisted. Lije plot points about that villain are left field to make him feel relevant and shit. He’s ok.

You sound like those dumb fucks at CinimaSins.

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9 is one of my favourites but Kuja was such a FhouGheyZhee man. Theres nothing menacing about a villain who looks like they’re going to offer to suck your dick at any given moment. :rofl:


Still a better villain then Kefka.


This made me laugh more than it should have. :rofl:


Dude had magic powered nukes under his control and regularly blew everyone up. It ain’t just his sense of style that was dangerous.

I picked up Descent 1-3, Postal 4: No Regerts, Killer7 and SiN: Gold. It was like 35 bucks with the 6 dollar discount, pretty schweet.

I wish I grabbed Metal Wolf Chaos and the Megamang ZX collection near release. They seem harder to find now and they aren’t that old. Sucks.

Did anyone play Ace Combat 7?


You know how Kefka didn’t impact you as much because you fought him throughout the story? Well everything Kuja did was undermined by the fact that the dude was a cocksucker that pranced around like a fairy. Kuja made Prince look manly by comparison. :rofl:

Im trying to figure out of this Prince slander is a bannable offense or not.


And now I want a villain based on Prince to be the main villain of an RPG

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If Prince was rhe main villain of an RPG he’d bang all the broads in your party.
