Ive had no crashes sorta. If I alt+tab out of the game while I’m streaming the game crashes (or maybe its just when I have obs open but I can alt+tab out if im not streaming/dont have obs running). Its been running fine otherwise. I think a lot of it is rigs that just cant handle it and ps4/xb4 users with the most issues. And of course, its just got issues but those will be fixed with patches. Im broke right now but I’m gonna pay for this game after christmas. Its a good one and worth the money…imo
I’m just gonna wait til I get a PS5 to play my copy of Cyberpunk. Not gonna play myself attempting it on my base PS4
Sam here!!!
There Billboards and ads in CP 2077 I can’t even post here without hitting that porn flag
Wonder if I censor it and spoiler it it be okay
Screw it, if I get a warning, or a ban so be it.
So it looks like the recommended specs were for 1080p 30fps at high settings, no wonder I can only play at medium settings with my 2 year old laptop. Here are some benchmarks :
Posted the new rig up in here: The PC Gaming Thread Phase II, The Masters of Gaming. No console peasants - #1173 by GreyFoxx
New specs…
Next year, once I rejoin the workforce… (COVID-19 running wild or not)
I will be retiring that RX 480!!
That’s a nice surface level analsys. Xenophobia deffinitly plays a part but its not as big a part of that as that post makes it sound. The main focus is on the power of corporations, American and European corporations are cast in just as tyrannical a light more often then not. Japan sits high becsuse they rose rapidly as a technological powerhouse. It’s a fear but also respect for what they can do. The Japanese culture itself in Cyberpunk at large is not generally treated with disrespect, as are most other cultures and mostly revolves around the masses fighting the powers that control their lives. Generally, not always but usually. You should be in support Cyberpunk tends to advocate for aggressive measures and anyone can join the cause. Smash the State. Hack the Planet.
Heard peeps are paying $4,000 to $5,000 just to get a PS5. Insanity.
Well you’re being lied to then.
I know this is not a new game, but damn Gears 5 is fucking awesome. I hadn’t played Gears since part 3 on Xbox 360 so it feels a bit fresh to me which may be part of it, but I am on like 2-4 right now and the game is just awesome. I don’t know how it looks on X1 but on XSX it looks incredible and I’m not even in 4k or using HDR.
Highest I recall someone paying is $1200 but I definitely believe you. I could easily see it being sold for those prices once the final PS5 drops are made before Christmas when ppl start gettin truly desperate.
I sold 3 PS5’s launch week and have been following the prices since and I can guarantee you people aren’t paying $4k+ for them.
EA put a squash on that Take Two/Codemasters merger…
This thread though…
How was Witcher 3’s launch? At least they are allowing refunds.
Fortunately for me I haven’t ran into any issues on PC. Ofc, could always use more optimization, but it still runs well enough atm.
I refunded cyberpunk on steam. I’m getting it on the PS5 later, right now it is running via backwards compatibility, but they are making an update for next gen later on.
It was glitchy and needed patches as well. Wasn’t this bad, but needed some work.
The fuck for?
He’s a masochist obviously.