Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

He’d avoid so much trouble if he would just read people’s posts before responding to them.


He really is our new Po.



Something something live long enough to become the villain…


Po at least transitioned into insanity. Darksakul was born there.


As someone who only interacted with Po on the DBZ thread, I don’t get the meme.

Man hated Capcom, so what? You’ve seen the garbage the FG division has churned out lately? :rofl:

It wasn’t even just about his blind hatred of capcom. Any time anyone posted anything positive about anything whether it was Capcom or Sony or Whatever he didn’t like/agree he’d go on some fucking nonsensical and unwarranted tirade.

Then whenever someone put him in his place about how fucking stupid he was being about the conversation he’d take it as a personal attack and act like the entire forum had some vendetta against him. Even going to the length of calling people paid shills by whatever he currently had a grievance against.

It didn’t matter if he was right about abc or xyz. It’s how he carried himself and how he interacted with everyone who disagreed with him about any thing that pissed off so many people.

Instead of happening any actual conversation with another member or members he’d just put his tin foil hat and go “LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU!”.

Whenever he got banned for acting like a fool he felt like there was a conspiracy against him because “WhY wOuLd MoDs BaN mE uNlEsS iM sAyInG sOmEtHiNg ThEy DoNt WaNt Me SaYiNg?!”

There’s a lot of different gaming tastes that post in this thread and $RK in general. I’ve learned so much about about ones I liked, discovered some I never thought of and have learned to enjoy genres I use to hate. The reason being is even if I have a disagreement with some here I may learn something out of that discussion. The other side of the coin is if I meet someone with common interests we can swap stories about games maybe the other hasn’t played.

Po was not any of that. He only came out of his shell to be a whiny cunt and then go back to hiding. He never contributed to any conversation, really unless it fit his narrative.

It was just fucking tiresome and annoying as shit. While I’ll always hate losing members, especially in post Thanos snap $RK there are some members who just aren’t worth dealing with.

Sorry for all the edits.

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My nigga po used to be a chill dude.
Then DmC Devil May Cry happened and he became an unhingend individual :rofl:
He also went into insane troll logic to justify his warped vop.

I remember that one time he didnt really have any legs on his argument and went full sjw and started throwing random insults to other people here.
Like saying that i was a narc and corrupt goverment individual all because i was a diplomat at the time and live in latino america :rofl:


See what I mean?

It’s completely justified. :rofl:

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DmC is what broke the camels back. When Capcom cancelled a bunch of Mega Man games in 2011 was when his sanity started to slip. Every Mega Man cameo in every Capcom game thereafter was a troll and slap in the face.


Not really, since he lashed it againts any company (except nintendo), any game (except those from nintendo and platinum) and anyone here.
I remember that he kept saying that ASW was scamming people because in his eyes, releasing BBCP after 3 years with Xrd and P4U in between was the same game as BBCS, despite not sharing mechanics at all, having new chars and having new modes plus the story mode, lol


I don’t know what I was expecting with that Sony Hardware Breakdown. It’s exactly what it sounded like. Still bummed though. I’m at least happy I’ve found a video I can play when I can’t sleep. Jesus. That video is Tyson Fury, and I’m walking to the ring in Black Panther gear.

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Ahh yes Po, the apostle of Capcpom Hate given human form.

I still remember his prophecy that Capcom would die in 5 yrs. :joy:


Jeremy Jahns: “Blasphemous is like Avernus Cathedral from Blood Omen but like…the whole game.”



Oh yeah. Doom is tommorow.

Fuck my life.



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ASW about to drop something

That Sol meme is simultaneously great and terrifying and terrible.

Just like Strive. I wonder who’s coming next.

Dunno why youtube recommend this to me, but it picked my interest, lol.


Was Xbone more powerful than PS4? Can’t remember right now.