Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!

Rufus Shinra


Yea he loses to the new counter stance technique the Twin Stinger you find in Shinra HQ gives you. It even counters his bullets. You can also chase him down with Focus Thrust when he back dashes. It catches him with the tail end of the move and stuns him for a few moments. That was my cheese tactic first time through. It’s really easy to get a Counter Stance on him when he starts dashing around. Soon as he dashes right at you set up Counter Stance and he crashes right into it.

Don’t do long combos on stunned Rufus. He will somewhat randomly regain his composure and instantly enter his counter stance and fuck you. Only do full combos on him when he is staggered. Otherwise just really short strings and abilities only.

That’s basically it.


1 - Phantasy Star
2 - Virtual On
3 - Probably the Sonic series, but it’s still hard to say that with what has happened to it.


Fuck me for forgetting Virtual On. That shoulda been on my list lol

  1. Sonic
  2. Yakuza
  3. Shinobi
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Ummm The cast clearly is seeing visions of the future throughout the entire game and the whispers are dead set on making sure that shit stays in line. Sephiroth himself gives Cloud a speech near the end and even offers to team up to change their fate, suggesting he has knowledge of his death in the original FF7. Possible he found a way to return after Dirge of Cerberus and travel back in time. Sure, not 100% confirmed there is actual time travel, but there is hints it’s there in addition to alternate timelines I’m leaning that it’s there and Im willing to bet, but very possible I’ll lose that bet tho. So I’ll just say I’m 2 for 2 on theories so far lol

WWE announces there will be no 2K21 this year. They will have an announcement about the future of WWE games on monday

You want to talk about regret ever since Yukes left? Jesus.

Tintin adventure game in development for pc and consoles

Nintendo confirms that their have been hacks on people’s accounts through an exploit of NNID, says around 160,000 accounts have been effected.

NNID logins have been abolished now and Nintendo suggests checking your purchase history and enabling 2 factor authorization on your account. They aren’t saying where the hack is coming from other than by some other means than their service. Rumors before have been suggesting Fortnite has something to do with it.

Games being shown for xbox seX are coming soon


Hackers are in that group of people I’d love to see get locked up for “life with no parole”, seriously. No sympathy for whatever happens to them. Then maybe it would be interesting to throw them in general population while suddenly a rumor just happens to pop up that they were convicted on child molestation crimes…put a live camera feed in there so we can all see whatever happens next.

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VGM Friday
With nascar going full eSports by way of rage quitting and dropping racial slurs, I’m feeling racing game music today:

GT6 had this tune. One of the best live bands out there today imho:

Non Video Game fun fact: The drummer and lead guitarist went on to produce and co-write most of Leon Bridges first albums, which is a classic

I need to add Daytona USA’s cheesy goodness to my Vg playlist when I get a chance.


Poor security from Epic? No not possible. :scream: Sarcasm aside, Epic is notorious for their poor security.


A rumor…


New Tales game gets a beta in June

Newest sword art online game delayed until July

Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive edition will let you switch between original and remastered sound tracks

MUA3 released a new patch fixing several bugs


Also, ASW has been slow dripping all the Kunio-Kun/Double Dragon Brawler Collection games to be purchased separately at the price point of $4.99/e (the collection is $40)

So far they’ve released

  • Crash’n the Boys Street Challenge
  • Double Dragon
  • Double Dragon II
  • Double Dragon III
  • Renegade
  • River City Ransom
  • Super Dodgeball

Edit: and of course my copy of Trials of Mana got delayed. Why wouldn’t it?


Well, looks like my PS4’s HDD is about to give up the ghost. Started acting up yesterday, failing to load the music and stuttering in general while I was plying MonHun. Problem now is we’re under quarantine and there’s absolute jack shit I can do to get a replacement within a reasonable amount of time.

The names on some of these vehicles lol


Pacman championship edition 2 free until May 10…


GamesRadar joining IGN by participating in the digital E3 but not really happening in June

Lolol. PokeFan’s petty as fuck. I may be pissed about Sword and Shield but it’s from a quality stand point.

Nintendo discontinues the Nintendo Network ID. Creates website about what to do going forward (I know SonicHuman posted about this already but this is from official Nintendo)

AdultSwim showing off various costumes in animal crossing for related shows

FFXII Zodiac Age for PS4/Steam gets a patch adding job reset and other features (these features are already present in the Switch version)


The job change addition is so confusing since the reason it was implemented was to make people deal with the choices they make in character builds.