Video Game General 7.0: Day Juan Ys: MoC June 9th & Wonderful 101 June 30th!


I havent bought or played Judgment.
Maybe youre thinking of someone else?

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Nah man, just misremembering. Wanted to ask youā€™re thought on some stuff, but nvm.

I think the ost for remake is up on sittingonclouds now but the page for it just has disc 1 so Iā€™m unsure at the moment. Going to look into it tomorrow but wanted to give a heads up for those interested in checking it out themselves.


I double checked the release date and itā€™s the last week of the next month =(

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Poor Top Hat Gamer getting rekt by Corona. I can relate. :cry:

He mostly covers beat 'em ups and fighters. I genuinely like this guy. I also always wanted to play this game but I never did. Iā€™ve also never seen it in person ever, it makes me wonder how rare/expensive it isā€¦


Been waiting forever for them to explain Godhand in Ergheiz. Dude is clearly a lost Mishima from TekkenšŸ˜‚

And I like how they just left Distrega out of the discussion

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During the twilight years of the arcade I basically grew up in they had an Ergeiz cab. Blew my mind when they brought it in cause I had no idea it was an arcade title first and then a PSX port. I had played it a shit ton on PSOne

Iā€™m Chapter 14, Iā€™d say Iā€™m bout near the end of FF7 Remake. My favorite track in the game by far, itā€™s feels tonally off from the rest of the game but itā€™s a vibe

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Kinda feels like an FFX track honestly but yea its a good one. I like it.


You still got a solid 10-15 hrs left lol

Depending on if youā€™re doing side content


Damn, really? The games makes it seem like once I climb that wall, itā€™s the final stretch lmao :joy:

It is. That final stretch is pretty long lol


Square needs to go ahead and give us a Parasite Eve Remake to make up for the atrocity that was The 3rd Birthday.


Dudeā€™s name is Godhand MISHIMA. :rofl:

I saw Zack do a wakeup 3 followed by a while rising 4. :rofl:

I didnā€™t know the developer of Tobal and Ergheiz had a hand in Tekken & VF as well. Itā€™s funny because Tobal has an ā€œadventureā€ mode which turns it into a ghetto action game. Namco stole that idea 1:1. The animations in Tobal and Ergheiz are also really, really nice too.

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Hey, I ainā€™t complaining about more gameplay, Iā€™m happy u said I got that many hours left. I almost got lowkey sad the game was bout to be over

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Ninjala looks dope as fuck. I can see why everyone says its a splatoon reskin but its also very much its own thing. Itā€™s free to play so no reason not to try it.

Oh, that was def a nod from the Tekken guys, literally a Mishima with a gun on his arm. Same gloves as Kazuya too, only black. Crazy how it looked like it ran at 60fps despite being a PS1 game

they guy who directed ergeiz and designed all the OCā€™s for it was previously the director and character designer of the first 2 tekkens. lol


I did too, at that same point. I was really ready to say itā€™s too short. Itā€™s still shorter than Iā€™d like but itā€™s satisfying.


Between this Friday and next, we have the most holiest of video game holidays. Yes, along with the the sacred numeral 69, this blessed day has been enshrined in millions of gamertags throughout the history of our beloved passion.

Iā€™m of course talking about 4/20 (blaze it). So please, if you partake on Monday, enjoy these tunes while you participate in the sacrament of the stickiest of icky:

We all know all these band members burned a fatty before writing this jam:

Realized the entire Bully OST would pair well with weed:

When the paranoia hits:

Extra: this was in Narc back in '03 and blew my 11 year old mind.

My dad liked when I played narc cause he (like me) is a huge Curtis Mayfield fan

went to a friends house in highschool, got very high and played the cow level. One of my fondest memories of my youth.