Video Game General 6.5: Now with more surprise mechanics


Bethesda announces formation of new studio made up mostly of previous Human Head studio devs

I read that as a studio full of human heads at first.


The redesign of sonic was relatively what FX designers wanted in the first place


Did the Quiet Man kill Human Head?

I think it was Ruby/Sapphire remakes, same review that “too much water” meme originated from

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I notice the chart with the cut pokemon make a pattern.

The models were somewhat downscaled but they were still made with futureproofing in mind, so much so they tanked the games’ perfomance on 3DS. Exact same ones are used in Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevie games and those look fine in HD. And now they’re reused in Sword/Shield again, so there’s literally no reason for the Dexit drama to even exist

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Seems like Gamefreak is just full of shit. :joy:


It’s much more than that tiny post.

Lack of national dex isn’t the only reason people are pissed.


How could it not?

As someone who hasn’t given a shiiiet about pokemanz since the age of ten, the drama surrounding the new release is so goddamn funny to me.


Its literally childish whining because you dont have 900 fucking mons. Fucking christ.

Just more proof fans should be summarily ignored.


Not for the fans who use the Pokemon Bank. Paying annually to store Pokemon they can’t use for the new game.


The sword/shield controversy is about more than just half of the Pokedex being missing for no reason

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Dexit is the big one. Then everything else that followed is just nitpicking to bring the game down. Animation has never been a concern, but all of a sudden people care.

It’s like SFV. The bad launch stigma is still with the game even though it’s in a great spot now.

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You have to pay for Pokebank and it’s useless for the new game? You may not care but plenty of others do.

Also graphical and performance issues for 720p game locked at 30fps is fucking garbage.

Lots of issues with the game. Cut Pokémon is one part.

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Like lol at lag and serious performance issues being nit picky. This world. :joy:

Processor from eBay is almost a week late now. FĂ aaaaaa

Shenmue 3 next week. Nioh 2 beta recently too, though I missed out on that one sadly.

They nerfed Akuma again in t7. He got nerfed on console release, got nerfed in s2 and s3 and now his meter gain got nerfed. Pretty shitty, it was super noticeable when I played yesterday. I bought Geese and they nerfed him two weeks later, to a point where I find it pointless to keep playing the char.

I’m waiting for Negan to go on sale. I played him at a friend’s house and he seems fun. I also started watching TWD again because of Negan. LEGEND