Video Game General 6.5: Now with more surprise mechanics

Kof and Fatal Fury titles in sale on the eshop with Terry’s release.

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For historical purposes, MK x SF is awesome but I just do NOT see the vastly different gameplay styles & tone meshing well at all. I feel it would be a disaster, but I’ve been wrong before

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Soooo Persona 5 is on Playstation Now, now. I’m gonna sub and play it on my pc instead of buying a ps3/4. Lol.

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Playtonic shoots the Banjo Kazooie rumor dead


…the shit still amuses me that my old friend ended up being one of those people who think that’s Tyrael in the damn Diablo 4 trailer, man… right after the trailer I was thinking —haha, some dopey motherfucker is going to think that’s Tyrael, I bet…and sure enough, this guy was like “I think that’s Tyrael, dude.”
BRUH, come on now…
These characters have barely anything in common, man… it’s a small deal but it just keeps irking me…like imagine if someone saw Dave Chappelle and got him mixed up with O.J. Simpson, simply because they’re both black people, I guess… the difference here is pretty damn severe…take a look at Tyrael for a moment:

c’mon now, people… these characters don’t look or sound alike at all; they both look like bald black dudes, and that’s about where the similarities end.

A lot of folk have problems telling people apart. Although why they think Blizzard would waste a character on a reveal trailer for the obvious stand in villain before Diablo comes barging in at the end, I don’t know.

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For what it’s worth, the “turned down collab” from IGN’s link above is talking about a guest character, not an actual crossover game. A crossover wouldn’t work unless NRS turns it into MKvsDC 2.0 where basically all the violence is removed (which in turn defeats the purpose of having MK in the mix in the first place)

However, a guest characer could work for both franchises - it just depends on whom you pick. Like, for example, Baraka obviously wouldn’t fit into Street Fighter with all the impalings and such. Same could be said for Sakura who wouldn’t fit into Mortal Kombat as she’s too happy go lucky and cheerful, clashes with the theme and aesthetic too much.

MK v SF… eh. The games just don’t mesh. You’d either have to gore up Street Fighter or turn down Mortal Kombat. MK v DC levels of turning it down. Not good. Plus, you’d have to consider what studio would be doing the bulk of the work. If it’s NRS, that’s cool but ill-advised since they’re working on other stuff. If it’s capcom, after SFV… you’d have to pay me to play it.

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Can we get a SNK VS BB/GG since Capcom vs SNK 3 is just outside the realm of possibility?

Best case scenario is a guest character. I don’t see how either of the series’ characters can fit into a completely different gameplay style (e.g. grounded guilty gear charas or airdashing KOF charas)

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Yall act like SFxT didn’t happen.

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Yup and I’m damned proud of it too.


SFxT v.2013 is legit an amazing fighting game though.

Bad DLC practices and Capcom forcing a horrible tournament structure on TO’s is what killed the game almost right out of the gate.


I don’t like Tekken. Grouping it with Street Fighter does not appeal to me.

Your best bet is a guest char on bbtag.
Gg wouldn’t be on a crossover until the story is done according to ishiwatari daisuke.

The most that gg will have in fgs is the costumes on doa5 for now

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Hands down best pardoy of the year, lol!!!


Why not a SNK vs BB/GG vs Capcom vs Tekken/Soul Calibur and Knuckles?

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