Video Game General 6.5: Now with more surprise mechanics

I thought it was pathetic.



Oh it 100% was. But being there live made it hilarious to me.

Most of my favorite parts Being at evo 2018 was the crowd reacting to shit happening and little to what was actually happening in the game.

In all fairness Nintendo really should have nerfed her. It was basically play Bayo or donā€™t play Sm4sh but Nintendo likely didnā€™t want to put anymore hands than they had to for a game on a console that was about to be rotated out.

You remind me when that one guy uninstalled Fighting EX Layer after Areaā€™s release a while back. :rofl:

People donā€™t want to learn matchups these days and it gets characters nerfed. Geese was nerfed for like the 3rd time or so and now people want Akuma nerfed instead of learning the matchup. :exploding_head:


LMAO, dunno how i missed this post, you sound like an stupid scrub

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Letā€™s address these in order, shall we?

Seeing as how your SRK account was created in 2007, and mine was created earlier than yours (by about say 7 years?), how about you find the balls to delete your account. Until then (or when you find the balls to man up and say youā€™re sorry), you join fishjie in the ignore corner, otherwise; youā€™re insulting my intelligence.

See below in my reply to Sonicabld.

Unlike the aforementioned poster above, I agree with you. Iā€™ve been learning matchups in FGs for the better part of the past 20 years. Iā€™m willing to give things a shot, I mean; how much worse can it be? Okubo better have the balancing on point.

I still play other SF Games, except SFV. Most everyone Iā€™ve run across agrees itā€™s hot garbage and shouldnā€™t be supported any further.

Letā€™s make this crystal clear and put it to bed.

Iā€™m willing to take criticism for my overreaction to Hilde being announced for SCVI. I will, however; reserve final judgement until sheā€™s available for tournament play.

LMAO, this nigglet thinks that having his account made on 2000 makes him less of a scrub

I want them nerfed out of existence for Tekken 8 (along with 7ā€™s garbage additions and subtractions).


I would let this one go man. There no winning this one.

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not responding any further to it. Already have stated Iā€™m reserving final judgement for when she gets played in tournament.

Stream showcasing the nrw GG

The new gui looks horrible.

Chipp swoled upā€¦

New GUI looks basic as hellā€¦hope itā€™s not the final design.

Not fan of the new idle stance of potemkin and the lower part of chipps outfit

Happy Hilde is back for SC6, sheā€™s a good character. I doubt sheā€™ll be as bad as SC4.

For the love of CHRIST, ARCSYS give me Testament in new Guilty Gear and youā€™ll get all my money.

Chipp looks fucking sick. Heā€™s one of my favorite GG characters.

Looks like Chipp just discovered MC Hammer and the entire Post War Bureau budget went into pimping out Potemkin.

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Guilty Gear gotta be the most beautiful fighter Iā€™ve ever soon. Iā€™d buy it on graphics alone lol


Too bad that outside of graphics, everything else looks like a downgrade.

Like if it is made for people who dont play gg, and will probably still ignore this one.
Leaving us with a crappy game to play.