So I wonder how legally it plays out.
As the FBA group originally don’t have rights to FBA anyways other than continued development and distribution after the original dev quit. Does that original dev have any rights or is he considered abandoning the project. Also Mame code was used to develop FBA.
But I highly doubt the current Mame team has the financial backing for a lawsuit .
I imagine a judge seeing that the original FBA dev abandoning the project as abandonment and possibly throwing out the case.
It’s open world so I doubt I’ll get it.
I’ll watch the “movie” cut of it that someone uploads to YouTube though.
We don’t even know that yet.
Sony just announced a Days of Play week long stream during E3 where they plan on announcing a bunch of stuff including games, discounts on the PSN store, new console models among other things.
So I just finished watching that Death Stranding Trailer and it answered some things but still left alot of it a mystery. I now have an EXTREMELY thin grasp of wtf is happening which is better than I was where I didn’t have any clue after 3 trailers. I’m far more intrigued and I wanna buy it but I feel I’m gonna be quite busy for some time at the start of November.
Edit: we are also about 2 weeks out fron E3 so I will probably be mostly posting in the E3 thread moving forward.