Video Game General 6.4: New Halo? What else?

You better not fuck me on this, McNulty.


Who cares if the ending was obvious? Oh. Cool. You figured out the ending to a kids movie.

Good job cracking that code.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Its was pretty much the typical Pokemon big villain plot. Comic book levels of Villain grandstanding with ridiculous comic book Villain end goal
Its for the most part the same plot as the Detective Pikachu game, just streamed down to make it work for a film. Some characters got renamed or even combined for the film


in case of Lucy Stevens played by Kathryn Newton, she a combination of Emilia Christie and Meiko Okamoto.

Buy at your own risk :smiling_imp:



Wtf is unclear about this, discourse?

Discoursr alwayse gotta be an unhappy fellow.

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Dauntless gets a release date

Marvelous Pres gets replaced

Rune Factory 5 won’t be out until April 2020

The good Ghostbusters game might get remastered


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i finally finished wild arms 5 yesterday. that game definitely overstayed its welcome towards the end and i saved over my before point of no return save accidentally so i guess ill never fight those optional bosses at least any time in the next 6 years. overall solid 7 outta 10 jrpg.

Watching The MK11 Summit of Time Tournament that happened over the weekend. I like how Netherrealms was like “yeah, we’re going to make combos shorter” but like…the combos now may be shorter but the damage on them is insane.

The very first match in top 8 was SonicFox vs DR Gross and the opening combo was Fox doing like a 35% 4 maybe even 3 hit combo. I was like “whoa wtf!”

It’s a fair compromise. Personally I like having the smallest mistake potentially leading to death. It will clean up bad habits real quick.


That old school damage. Long combos are dumb shit. Keep the pace quick. You should check again bow much damage magneto’s 5 fierce does.


I’m well aware. It’s just been a while since a game has been like this.

Embrace Death, play SamSho.


No. Every video you’ve shown has made me not want to play samsho that much more.

What single move in SFIV does the most damage?

On a related note. Poongko showing some good SamSho knowledge in that vid. He cancelled the recoil of his slash into a deflect to parry the punish attempt and let him use the Super Special Move.

Probably Gief’s Ultra.

If we’re talking Vanilla IV? Probably Rufus’s EX Snake Strike. Shit did like 40%. Lol