Video Game General 4.0: You wanna enjoy your console? There's an app for that

Gears 4 day one for PC.


I actually want Forza right now. That shit looked really fun.

KI is the usual. We knew about Raam months ago, nothing serious.

Anyone have YouTube video of Gears 4? At work and can’t load Twitch.

Setsuka’s stage, Tira’s stage, and Astaroth’s stage from 3 are in 4, with slight changes to each.

SWBeta, you’re right about the Hilde nonsense. I just miss when guard impacts didn’t cost meter. Never got used to it.

FF at the Xbox conference?

Recore looks interesting, kinda wish the game was cellshaded though

Lol, that guy playing FF:XV is horrible, watching him getting ocved by a fist only because he couldn’t proc a single button… :s

I’m surprised he didn’t die during that fight. It seems like his computer allies did all the work.

From the sound of things if you want to play Xbox games you should just get a computer. this seems like it might kill the Xbox

Someone make a SRK GD club

There’s only like 5 of us that matter that have a One.

Yeh but you can add PC people too right or did I miss something :confused:

lol Carmack playing Minecraft, can you get shotguns in Minecraft

man this segment is so cheezy

they didnt say psn when naming services on minecraft. guess sony told them to fuck off after all

Yall got pcs good enough?

Simple enough for a bunch of casuals to play decent and complex enough for vets to compile devastating combos? Yeah that’s very boring…

Do you know why the movelists were made smaller? The split of SC2 Nightmare into Nightmare and Siegfried in 3. They had to make it somewhat fair for those two to still be viable. Also a good chunk of the other characters’ moves were either near useless (Yoshi’s seppuku) or straight up broken (Ivy’s unblockable whip attack that reached up to the majority of the screen and took half your life if it hit.)

As long as you got the minimum specs (I’m making that assumption from that Forza stage demo)

Custom controllers is cool

So Combot is a non issue because he’s banned, but CAS isn’t because? It’s the same thing. Only one is more depth.

Remind me again what tournament numbers/views looked like for TTT2? They were not good and alot of people didn’t really like the tag mechanics. It messed with fundamentals and drawed matches out for longer then they should be. I’d go as saying that the only reason why it was still show at major UStournaments is from the lack of 3D fighters and MarkMan.

Can’t wait to try Cuphead, game looks stunning

My PC shits on current gen consoles and I didn’t even make that big an upgrade to it. The biggest thing is maybe the 970 I started using. Still, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than what a console can offer.

We Happy Few looks pretty damn good. I could feel the Bioshock vibe really strong.