Soul caliber v was boring lmfao
Even though I topped the leaderboards at one point
The series needs to go back to the characters and engine that made it good in the first place
Too much reliant on meter shit
It needs to have its on identity as a fg again
I wonder if they’ll go the SCII route and dump EX/Super moves altogether or SCLS route where different weapon=different amount of bars/different super. It would add an interesting meta game, but maybe they wanna go back to simplier times.
Battlefield looks really amazing. Great shots of being in planes and watching an airship go down. And being behind a side gun in a motortycle. but I’ll never play it. It’s just an FPS.
Titanfall 2 looks so cool. It really makes me wanna play it.
Lots of talk about Mass effect. No gameplay. Fail.
Talk about Star Wars battlefront and the oh-so worthless behind the scenes stuff. They showed two guys saber-fighting and lots of people behind desks. I fucking HATE that shit.
Fifa shit. Don’t care.
Madden shit. Same shit every year. No graphics or engine overhaul.