I think you’re confusing the word "farce" with ***“a game that was just fundamentally flawed from the ground up”***.
It’s not like the developers lied about Watchdogs or something, it just wasn’t that great of a game. Which sucks, because the concept of it sounded so dope on paper and the things it DID do right it did awesomely.
Come to think of it, one of the only reasons I played it as much as I did was solely because of that multiplayer mode that let you “invade” another player’s game and hack into their servers. Watching another player run around in the street confused as fuck looking for you as you hid nearby was just too good of a feeling. Hope that comes back in the sequel.
All of the characters who shoot in Overwatch get an instant boost in accuracy but I think the character that becomes even more dangerous would be Mcree. It’s hard aim at a distant Widowmaker consistently on console but PC Mcree can use his six shooter pretty much like a smaller sniper rifle. Console owners don’t want any of that.
As much fun as I have playing Overwatch, I knew it would have a ton of balance issues especially with multiple of the same characters allowed. Honestly McCree being OP is only the start of the balance issues this game is going to have.
There’s a “balance” between overpowered cheese and “fairness” between characters in a FG…
On one end, you have your anime fighters that dgaf and keep stacking characters with options on top of options, then you have your NRS games that take away anything even remotely interesting within a week of its discovery.
Finding that middle ground is especially difficult in this age of patches, but I feel this trend of nerfing top tiers rather than buffing the weaker characters needs to stop.
MvC2 is one of the most unbalanced fighters I’ve ever seen, yet it had a strong and active community for over a decade because it’s simply just fun to play.