Video Game and Anime Girl thread Vol:2

hell man im drinkin milk more often now. :clap: boobies

Both are shots of the Priest Class from Ragnarok Online

Well, Im actually gonna contribute to this one now.

^ God Damn

catchafire, 4neqs

What are u guys talking about? if thats a guy…,

you guys need glasses! :wow:

Its a bloke, well yeah.
Capcom had to make Poison a man (storyline wise) so it would seem ok for you to beat her up in Final Fight, they feared some protesters or activists would go protest against physical violence against women (or something).

Here’s a passage from The Street Fighter Plot Cannon Guide site about “her”:


Note: I refer to Poison as “she” just because I feel like it, like so many others. She’s really a he.

Poison is a “new-half”, meaning a person who got a sex change. Poison is a GUY. A guy with breasts, but a guy. This is official. This has been official EVER SINCE FINAL FIGHT ONE EXISTED. However, most USA players wouldn’t know this at all, due to lack of storyline publications in the US and the fact that Poison didn’t even EXIST in Final Fight One for the USA version. Capcom of USA thought that Poison was a girl (they STILL didn’t know she was a guy by Final Fight Revenge, for crying out loud), so when Final Fight 1 came to the US, they changed Poison and ‘her’ pallet swap, Roxy, into generic male punks, Billy and Sid, because censorship was high back then and they feared people wouldn’t like the idea of hitting girls.

Poison and Roxy in the planning stages of game were female. But a rep from Capcom USA told the developers in Japan that USA won’t like guys hitting girls. So before the game came out, Poison and Roxy became new-halfs. Capcom of USA didn’t realize this and thus changed Poison and Roxy to Billy and Sid, anyways. Methinks someones’ got a communication problem, there…

If you think Poison can’t be a guy just because ‘she’ looks so ‘woman’, no offense, but you really need to study up on Japanese Anime culture some more…

Poison MIGHT have gotten a sex change for Final Fight Revenge and is now a girl and not a guy (All About Capcom states “Could he finally went and have gotten a sex change?” or something like that). As stated, Capcom of USA still didn’t know that ‘she’ was a guy, so they made her a girl when they made Final Fight Revenge. It seemed that Capcom of Japan decided to go with that, and officially state that she possibly got a sex change and became a full-fledged woman for Final Fight Revenge and beyond. Although in actuality, it was a joke. Apparently Capcom of Japan was just toying around when they said Poison might have gotten a sex-change. A friend (EscoZG) recently went to work for Capcom on a nondisclosed game (he said it was possible to guess what that game was, though…) and spoke with Capcom’s Atsushi Iwasaki (a storyboard artist/animator) and several other Capcom employees about Poison. They gave him the same story stated here in this guide (that Poison was a girl, Capcom of America made them change her into a man but they did NOT change the sprite so she was a transvestite, then Capcom of America changed ‘her’ to Billy and Sid). They also said that ‘she’ still officially was a man, so I guess in truth she didn’t get that sex-change for Final Fight Revenge, after all. The quote about the sex-change for Final Fight Revenge in All About Capcom is probably Capcom of Japan making fun of Capcom of America’s ignorance.


And this is the plot cannon site :

So remember kids, next time you think Poison is damn good lookin! IT’S STILL A MAN!!

The girl with Hugo - Poison

Damm… :wow:

I did not know that. :tdown:

Weird shit there :wow: another pic


I don’t care if it is still a guy.

Poison hugo’s chick

Posted by DragonSama

“I don’t care if it is still a guy.”

:clap: :tup:

done and done

linking to Frankie’s doesn’t work, methinks.

Might as well.

EDIT: I’m having troubles with Photobucket right now. Try to ‘Show Picture’ a couple of times if you cant see them. Otherwise, I’ll have to find another way of putting them on here. :sweat:

<Filler Sentence>

Check out this demon

Huzzah, the K man strikes back.

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