[Video] Capitalising off an Air Crumple

I recently discovered that if you hit an opponent out the air with a level 2 or 3 focus attack with Balrog, you can reset them using any normal. My first instinct was to dash forward and use standing medium punch.

I delved into this a little deeper and there are some cool combos. It’s pretty situational, especially the last combo, but if you can predict a jump you might just get it.

Also, after a level 2 crumple you can dash forward, Ultra 1 and connect anywhere on the screen. I suck at doing dash Ultra off of crumple though, so couldn’t get that in the video. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like to discuss whether any of you think this has any viable uses or if it’s just combo video material.

In my opinion, i think FA is way too slow to be used as a viable AA. I think that in real-match use, you’re more likely to release as an AA and the opponent will block the attack versus actually getting AA’d with it. As far as resets with the lvl1/lvl2 FA, they’re good opportunities for crossunders (http://youtu.be/Fx6Vr-Rad-I). I think it’s really good information to have in the event you land an AA focus attack. AA lvl3 FA, TAP, U1 is definitely the best conversion and its self-charging.

I say all this as theory fighter though. Put it to use, not that everyone else not playing Balrog feels he should have ANOTHER anti-air lol, but you may find that its a lot more practical than it looks.

I like to think of it as a Balrog snackish. Many people jump in the event of an FA and if they jump towards Balrog he can release early for at least a level 2 which gives some opportunity for a reset and potentially a cross under depending on the normal used.

Yeah it’s very situational I agree, I wish they improved his FA lol.

I always wondered what other fun shenanigans I could pull off after the AA FA. I always stuck with dash to get close, then a FS.HP. This is cool information to style with.

Another full screen confirm is probably lvl3 AA, hk.ru, U1. I think i pulled it off a LONG time ago in training mode. (or maybe EX, i dunno if roundhouse rush upper has juggle potential).

@3nigmat1c Think it would have to be EX rupper to get the Ultra off

Did some lab work, you get identical juggle potential off of ALL(?) his dash punches. Although i could figure out an easier way to land hk.ru after AA lvl 3 Focus attack, I could do it after an AA hk.ru which is the same as landing AA lvl3 FA, then hk.ru since it gives you a free juggle (anything juggles). dash straight doesn’t give you a good enough angle I feel to juggle U1, smash and rush upper pops them up the best i think.

Wow, had no idea that any dash punch EX or not would juggle into Ultra (even outside of this FA AA business). That’s useful to know.