(video) Beginners guide to tron bonne

So I made this tutorial video for tron bonne in order to try and help those who aren’t exactly familiar with her and I kept it simple and easy to grasp.

Here it is: [media=youtube]TuAcu1l5t8U[/media]
I would very much appreciate any feedback on the video (its my first tutorial).

P.S. Ignore the first 8 seconds IDK what I was thinking :wtf:
P.P.S. I posted this in general because I felt that the people in the tron forum already have a grasp on her.

good guide

probably should have gone in the tron section.

Seems decent enough as a guide, but you’re trying waaaay too hard to be funny.

Couldn’t agree with you more. I felt like it was okay until it fully uploaded to youtube and then I realized just how lame it was.

Take it to the Tron subforum, there’s an existing video thread there.