Video 94 SF4 Tournament Results 12/20/08

Thank you all for comin out and supporting this fine event (which i hope most of you thought it was).

30 players total:

Bracket link -

1 Combofiend - Rog, Sim
2 Gootecks - Rog
3 Moval - Blanka, Akuma
4 Mike Ross - Honda
5 Ken I - Rufus
5 Paul - Sagat
7 Valle - Bison, Ryu
7 Viscant - Blanka, Gief, Vega
9 Ed Ma - Ken
9 Mt.sac kid - Guile
9 Bebop - Vega
9 Ironfist - Sagat
13 Eric “Cosmo” Cosman - Abel
13 Dragonite - Honda
13 Dentron - Sagat
13 SHGLBMX - Blanka
17 Kai - Chun, Fuerte
17 Eric Yu - Guile
17 Kurt - Chun
17 Johnrog - Rog
17 Brazil - Ken
17 Andre Malek - Gief, Rog
17 Nasir - Ryu
17 Carlos Bejarno - Sagat, Ken
25 Dash - Gief
25 Herman M. - Guile
25 Markayy - Ken
25 Dime_x - Chun
25 shirts (Forfeited) - Gief
25 Def - Sagat

Good shit again to everyone. We will probably throw another tourney soon.

good shit everyone that placed! congrats combo! enjoy that 1k. Damn seems like it was intense. Any vids taken?

are you SERIOUS.

yeah that dude who was recording at the Denjin tourney was here recording this stuff

great shit combo

gs moval

you’ll get it next time bruvvuh

Most hype match of the century goes to: MIKE ROSS AND MONEY MIKE MOVAL.

For those who weren’t there, you missed out on some EPIC shit. Wait until getyourtournament posts the videos on youtube. You will shit your pants that you weren’t there to experience it.

In other news, I LEVELED UP TODAY. :smiley:

ggs to everyone I played.

seriouslyyyy i was on pins and needles. great job to moval gootecks and combofiend.

big ups to paul from vid 94 for feeding the machine at 7 in the morning!

Good job Peter, enjoy the huge $$$ (although the payout for Ryan and Moval is pretty sick too, heh). Who’d you use?

Did Seattle end up coming down?

Edit: Also, how many guys went?

Wish I could have come.

GGs. I had to dip out early but that shit was a lot of fun. Thanks to the V94 guys for the good times.

i wonder if combofiend used rog?

i was at ai and people were telling me the tourney was CRAZY.
hopefully videos will be up?

and ultra i expected you to go!

I have a bunch of stuff going on right now, not gonna be making it out too many tournaments. Been to the arcade maybe 3 times in the last 3-4 weeks, unfortunately.

mike ross vs moval was seriously fucking the best match ever, wait till you see the vid
paul vs combofiend also deserves a mention

there were sooooooo many intense matches
easily the best display of SF4 intensity i’ve seen out of so cal

PETER!!! good shit and keep ruining dreams!

Mike, please edit your post.

30 players total:

Bracket link -

1 Combofiend - Rog, Sim
2 Gootecks - Rog
3 Moval - Blanka, Akuma
4 Mike Ross - Honda, Gief
5 Ken I - Rufus
5 Paul - Sagat
7 Valle - Bison, Ryu
7 Viscant - Blanka, Gief, Vega
9 Ed Ma - Ken
9 Mt.sac kid - Guile
9 Bebop - Vega
9 Ironfist - Sagat
13 Eric Cosman - Abel
13 Dragonite - Honda
13 Dentron - Sagat
13 SHGLBMX - Blanka
17 Kai - Chun, Fuerte
17 Eric Yu - Guile
17 Kurt - Chun
17 Johnrog - Rog
17 Brazil - Ken
17 Andre Malek - Gief, Rog
17 Nasir - Ryu
17 Carlos Bejarno - Sagat, Ken
25 Dash - Gief
25 Herman M. - Guile
25 Markayy - Ken
25 Dime_x - Chun
25 shirts (Forfeited) - Gief
25 Def - Sagat

Alot of good matches and hopefully they were all caught on tape. Good games to everybody!!! See you guys at the next event.

Combo used mostly Rog, used Dhalsim vs. Paul (in what was the 2nd best match of the tournament, CRAZY intense) and used Dhalsim in grand finals.

This was a great tournament, everyone played really well. Skill level in SoCal is really high; pretty much everyone who showed up today has leveled up their game lately. Hopefully the next wave of tournaments are even better.

–Jay Snyder

git dat money peter

the match of the mikes was easily the highlight of the entire day

good shit too ALL players though, as a spectator all the matches were hype as fuck.

One of the three best tournaments I’ve been to this year.

Still have to finish putting up the Denjin tourney first, so hopefully these go up Monday.


gs to combo, moval, MIKE BASS FROM NOTHIN TO SOMETHIN, viscant, and mt sac kid.


good shit to combo and gootecks!!!