here’s a match between me and my friend satan. it was sometime in the summer. feel free to critique it (i did really well at first but then i messed up haha).
here’s the second match. it’s like the total reverse lol.
You did awesome with Geese, the rest of your team seemed to lack. It was pretty much your Geese vs. his Eagle. I guess the main reason you lost was because you ate those supers, which is pretty hard to avoid entirely in a match. Do you consider yourself a good Sagat player? He seemed to be the weakest link in your team.
nice raging storm. your geese was doing the same stuff over and over but it seemed to be suffice against SATAN. imo, after a cr short you should just go for the cr jab sweep link. your other characters need a lot of work though…
yeah the thing is I think I fucked up the ratio that time. I usually almost always play Sagat R2 and Blanka R1. I think that cr.RH, tiger cannon was a first for me lol (must have been a slip of the hand).
Anyway, I uploaded a second video with my Sagat R2. just watch the whole thing; you wouldn’t believe it but i actually won.
sagat bounces off of s.MP super from chun… fierce DP soon as he lands, gets hit with last hit of chun super… i giggled when i saw it.
what’s up with all the close s.HP with sagat… 1 of em hit eagle while he was on the ground… if satan was paying attention he coulda just supered you back