VF5 for season 3?

So yeah with all this talk of Season three of the Seattle league. What are people’s take on adding Virtua Fighter 5 this season? I for one would love to have it there, so we can get more exposure to other people that play different games. So yeah post up with your opinions and all that jazz. And if someone wants to step up and run these bitches by all means!!!

you dont suggest a game and then ask someone to run it

At least start running it, then get sick of it and then ask someone else run it like I did

Technically mandel was the one that suggested it first in the season 3 thread, and suggested that I ran it. I just want to see if someone else would like to take the reins.

I could run it if it was a late game like we originally planned. The frequency of my trips to Zach’s makes me a questionable choice, though.

I wouldn’t mind running it but I got DAT AVAILABILITY ISSUZ that I know of for now. Probably too late to find out by the time S3 starts : (

Sweet, another game to start for season 3 before it gets dropped after two tourneys!

If Frank’s too lazy, I’ll run it. 'cause I care. Also, Frank’s a bitch.

well there’s our answer right there, cause yeah i will be too lazy at some point. As long as the turnout is somewhat decent we should be able to have it run for the whole season.

So now that part one is out of the way let’s talk about entry fees? Robert what do you think we should have it at? a dollar? 2 dollars? Free for a few tourneys so we can try to get a few more people into the game? The floor is open people, lets hear some shit!

LOL, bomb post Jeff.

Technically I suggested it because if I didn’t then people would be like “man how come you didn’t suggest VF for Season Three???” So I wasn’t trying to read all that.

that’s what i’m talkin about.

Hilarious thread thus far.

I need to step my game up then! I like having a late tournament if we don’t have too many people. Reason being is that it would be nice to get plenty of casuals in beforehand since I’m new to this game and VF in general. Unless you count playing VF1 in the arcade back in the day when I was more distracted by MK2. ZOMG its 3D!

I think starting off at $1 wouldnt be a bad idea,that way i think more people would be down to play being as you arnt going to be losing alot of money if you dont win and there is still some kind of prize for whoever does win.