Vergil nerfs for UMVC3 2013 update?

remove his blocking mecha zangief style without armor, make all his pokes -45
make his swords punishable from every angle.
Make his assist shit.
Make his damage lower
Lower his health even more.
Remove spiral sword loops.
Gets no speed boost from XF like Hulk

This list is just about right. Although it can be said in just a couple of words.
Expose the FRAUDS!!!

Make Spiral Swords so that they actually have durability (e.g. goes through X amount of Soul Fists instead of going through all of them while active, but still have the timer apply) and will lose to say, a golden lance, 3 or so Hadokens or any Hyper Combo projectile. That’d still make it less broken while leaving it mostly intact.

I’d also trim down his H and S hitboxes and nerf his hitstun on all of his H normals. Plus I’d make it so that S couldn’t be canceled into cross-up slash more than once so that people can’t do leap-of-faith S all the time and be safe if you blocked it.

And most important next to the Swords nerf, removing his stacking speed boosts on DT and XF.

I think they should reduce the time that spiral swords are active too. Make it so you could on get like one help break then you have throw round trip. That would definitely help reduce the damage the character does, without totally destroying the characters main tool.

I want Swords to be a lesser facet of his game than they are now, which is why I like the changes I gave him. I’m a big believer in how good his DT is, although I’ve gotten into a lot of arguments with other notable Vergil players about that.

The way I feel he was designed (or should have been) is as a midrange/poking character with DT used in neutral more to cover his pokes, keep moves safe, and dominate the screen more effectively, while Swords are used primarily for quick, dirty mixups that scales damage fairly heavily. As it is, Swords are busted in durability, keeps him safe, allow him to control neutral incredibly easily, and opens up ToD from nearly everything, while the extensions are more situational in use, but still very good. As a result, Swords tends to dominate his game plan now, to a degree that is a little bit silly. He has alot of other tools, and putting Blistering as the default sword extension would require Vergil players to play more technically, carefully, and creatively with his tools, while also still allowing Spiral Swords to be its current silly-good version, since it would cost 2 bars.

There are other changes that need to be done to his normals, but nearly every high tier character has similar issues, so I tend to think of it more as a system change.

Also, Air OK Judgement Cut probably wont happen since he doesn’t have it in DMC3, but its a good idea for the character, I think.

That was a good read.
DT is godlike
That is all.

Nerf Vergil huh? Better put the new DMC Vergil so he can be crappy in every aspect.
No, fuck you Vergil and Dante should always be more powerful than pretty much everyone! I want style not balance in this game :stuck_out_tongue:

  • remove the hard knock down (soft?) on cr. H. this will remove the sword loops since the opponent will kick out after 1 rep (which already does respectable damage)

  • Spiral Swords projectile durability should be lower. it shouldn’t be able to go through 3 Sentinal Drones, Spell of Vishanti, Finger lasers etc this super should be only used as a excellent pressure tool… not an “absolute defense” tool for just 1 meter as well.

  • Helm Breaker shouldn’t be safe due to it having an excellent hitbox

  • Remove round trip glitch

  • then maybe the more radical nerf of just removing teleport L (the teleport fake/teleport on the spot). ive seen so many dirty set ups already with regular teleports so i know Vergil can do without it.

as much as i dislike this character, no character should be nerfed to “beyond playable”. i feel with these changes would still keep him as a really strong character (easy to play for big results) but at the same time make him less derpy.

There is no easy way to nerf Vergil. I am not 100% sure when I say this, but I dont think they will nerf a character if it takes away his/her essence from their respective games. Even when they nerfed Dante, he was still Dante at the end of it all.

-With that being said, cr.H being susceptible to HSD to shorten his combos seems a bit too much.

-Sprial Swords is much more complicated than you think. Each sword had has 3 frames of durability so when a projectile actually gets nullified by a sword on that one frame, it still has 2 points of durability. Multiply that by 6 it just makes a wall against projectiles. That being said, I do think its a bit too strong, but how to nerf it is hard to say. Maybe lowering the durability could be an answer for example one finger laser takes one sword away.

-Helmbreaker is fine. Maybe add a little bit of startup and get rid of it being able to cancel into s.S. I’m on the fence if he should be able to whiff cancel helmbreaker into teleports. They aren’t super cheap so I guess they could say in my book.

-Agreed the RTG should go

-Again that would take away from his essence in previous games plus its kinda the point that he has those mixup options. He is a character built for the purpose of left to right mixups. If he had a strong aerial game, an overhead that doesn’t require 2 bars or can convert off his ground throws I would agree with you. They already didn’t give him the ability to do trick down in the air on command.

[]Helmbreaker no longer cancels to :s:
]Reduce hitboxes behind vergil on key normals
[]Normalize random cross up on “maximum bubbles”
]Swords Cost 2 meters to activate, but now can gain meter while active (the swords themselves however do not gain meter).
[]Remove RT glitch
]System nerf to X-factor dmg output, Slight speed nerf to vergil

Vergils still possesses much of his dominating neutral game, but can no longer abuse RT and helmbreaker as much.

Swords now play the same roll but require a higher activation, but avg about .5 meter return on a successful conversion (making it cost 1.5 meter total). This makes swords less abusable in neutral game due to resources and in combos limits the number of sword loops you can perform, lowering his dmg output. You don’t want to overly nerf swords in how they’re used, so I feel limiting the availability is the key. If vergil wants the benefits of swords he has to pay more and that means patiently blocking it becomes a big loss to vergil who just lost 2 meter and now may have lost the ability to do more and may have to resort to maximum bubbles in a combo now next hit. This also makes it potentially a lvl 3 as a DHC (with the chance to gain around a meter back after with extensions).

Outside of some over the top hitboxes and XF3 (which needs to be nerfed system wide), the main issue is vergil with meter. Force DT to be more relevant and Sword to be more pricy and you start to have a character that has moments of extreme advantage, but at the expense of limited resources. This makes him a balanced character.

By this logic IP/Flames loops, Hypergrab loops, Iron Man/Doom/Storm/Nova infinites, etc… should all be removed. When people talk about nerfing Vergils ability to come in off any DHC and kill a character, they should be reminded that over half of the character pool can do the same thing. Vergil is solid and a powerhouse, but is by far one of the lesser evils in my opinion for one huge reason: he needs loads of meter to be effective.

Wolvie or Doom, or even Dante, frustrate me much more than Vergil.