Now I hardly play this game and even more so hardly play it online. Today I had the urge to play it and did so online.
I got my arse handed to me by a number of players but one person striked out the most with one move. He kept doing a flying grab move with vega that seemed very imposible to get by. I couldnt work out how it was supposed to be blocked as it grabbed when I stood and was unblockable if I ducked. Counters didnt do much either.
I’m crap at it but I can still find counters most of the time but this was imposible.
Frankly, I was really glad when they broke this move in AE.
It’s basically a 50-50 situation that he can repeat over and over again as long as he keeps getting knockdowns.
Unless you’ve got a reversal, that dive is going to be a problem on wake-up no matter what you do. Even guys like Gian and Chikyuu eat 3 or more in a row sometimes.
If you’re playing a shoto just DP or air hurricane him out of it if you’re already off the ground.
Same goes for Fei-Long, Chun’, Dee-Jay, Guile, etc, minus the hurricane. Honda can just LP headbutt him out of it, and 'Gief can crouch lariat.
Some characters have standing normals that will hit him out of it, such as Dhalsim’s back LP. He can use his teleport to get away as well.
It’s pretty much just a guessing game in terms of figuring out whether he’s going to bluff, cross you up, hit you facing forward, throw you, or sky claw instead.
Because of how quick the sky claw is, it’s safer to hold back/duck while you wait to DP.
Try using the LP version. His c. FP might do something as well, I’m not sure.
Vega’s wall dive is lousy if you just do it out of the blue, but if you do it after a knockdown, you force them to guess from a half a dozen different options, and you give them less time to react.
You can’t block any grabs (throws). Use Balrog’s fierce headbut to escape this trap if he does it to you when you are getting up off the ground. If he tries it on you when you are already standing, you have a shitload of counters to choose from.