good stuff :tup:
also, I’ve read a few times in this thread ppl mentioning charge partitioning and I am wondering if it really exists in SF4 (like in 3s)?
good stuff :tup:
also, I’ve read a few times in this thread ppl mentioning charge partitioning and I am wondering if it really exists in SF4 (like in 3s)?
Played a tourney today and noticed several things:
This may or may not have been mentioned before (sorry i have a bad memory) but j.fierce is his cross up, and you can link jabx2, strong, ex wall dive or flip kick.
Jump back fierce is great as an overhead.
Wall dives into his slash can be punished by lots of things, so use this cautiously.
Sorta hard to anticipate but if u can manage to do it i can do it like 50/50 but vs Honda u can counter incoming Headbutts with Scarlet Terror gotta do it like when he is 1/2 screen away if u can read and react that fast haha… although i kno many of u rather just jump back or just backflip it my 2 cents…
^^^ That’s a good idea, but it’s not as good as advertised. Reason being: Vega needs to get to a wall before the ultra starts, but if Honda is sailing towards you, the screen will continue to move in whichever direction you’re headed (which should be behind you). I tried doing this in a tournament recently to punish his headbutt, but i just kinda floated and he nailed me. Suffice it to say, 3K is the way to go. But, it was a very good thought.
Any help with matchup against Abel His ex has more priorities over Claw and his defense is pretty solid and lastly gay Tornado Throw or whateva it’s called that HCB+P
Like I said, and it was no joke, build 1 ex when playing against Honda and sit on it. When he headbutts and you block it, EX wall dive into him and you will catch him on recovery everytime for a free throw. Keep building EX and doing other shit, but make sure you keep that last bar and never use it.
Good stuff. Does it work on a blocked blanka ball?
Oh, also, wall dives can be focus dashed out of. The good news is, if it’s a cross up, I’m pretty sure they can’t retaliate with anything. The bad news is, if you attack in front of them, and they focus dash at you, they probably have enough time to score free damage. If this happens, I would suggest throwing out an ex flip kick (if you have it) since it’s unexpected and I don’t think you bounce away off of an absorbed dive.
E.Honda - If he does a HeadButt and you block, just do Standing Fierce. It will hit him.
it is cool that you can EX Izuna a Blanka Roll.
Vega’s super (not ultra) is the multiple izuna drops right? In ST he could do a diving claw attack(w/e it’s called) instead of the multiple izunas and still have his super meter filled up in case he decided not to go for the izunas (which would take up the meter).
Is it like this in SF4 too? Or does the whole super bar just cancel whether you decide to go for the izunas or not?
he loses the bar. Better hit it
that sux.
can he get hit out of it? easily? or does it have priority?
Dear Vega players, (Yes I’m calling him Vega. It’s to late for me, I’ll always call him vega)
What exactly does getting your claw knocked off do?
I’m guessing less damaged, maybe less range. Anyone know specifics? Is it different in other Street Fighter games?
Also, is it true that Vega players have to play different because he’s slower?
Thanks Vega players~
You’ll convert to calling him claw once you see enough Vega (Dictator) vs Balrog (Claw) matches and people ask you what the fuck you are talking about.
He loses a lot of range when his claw is gone. I feel that he is about the same speed. His crouching strong poke feels just slightly slower so you can’t spam up close anymore, but he is a lot better in other ways.
Flipkick is pretty weak though.
What the hell? Claw is the crappest character in SF4 according to the tier ranking page he was last with a big F = Fail? He can only win by time over??? Why? I have only ever won once with time over with him but overall i reckon his EX moves are pretty good and speedy and jump FP has good priority and backflip for evading fireball etc…
source from
dude don’t take that tier list 100% seriously. the game is still new, and we don’t know everything about every character just yet. obviously a lot of us Claw lovers are unsatisfied with it but hey, things might change a month or so from now, or when the game comes out on console.
so until then, take pride in being the under-dog and rub it in your opponent’s face that they got owned by the worst character in the game
Nisepachi probably has the best Claw that their’s actual footage of:
[media=youtube]w8smRPX-QQA[/media] (vs Zangief)
[media=youtube]N9hp9Dxt-JM[/media] (vs Dhalsim)
[media=youtube]DMKiukJ6Rhg[/media] (vs Sagat)
[media=youtube]kuYxoJmM0Rw[/media] (vs Chun Li)
[media=youtube]pVhIq411Z80[/media] (vs Guile)
[media=youtube]NytB9ENrOwM[/media] (vs C.Viper) <---- !!!Kaqn!!!
[media=youtube]X2_sJcZwG-8[/media] (vs Zangief)
[media=youtube]Qfl8VHtq_Aw[/media] (vs Sagat)
[media=youtube]7NPuJ6KE5_o[/media] (vs El Fuerte)
[media=youtube]XRnG3_rlSBM[/media] (vs Zangief)
[media=youtube]Cj_S_penHvY[/media] (vs El Fuerte)
Print out that tier list, look at it long and hard and think about why Claw is last on it, then wipe your ass with it.
That list is bullshit, and I know Ino is good, but in this case I don’t think he knows what he is talking about. There is still to much to discover and workout on this game to being saying anything except “Zangief is great.”
vega is one of those characters that will never be low imo. I remember the japanese used to think vega was crap in cvs2 until american players showed them what’s up.
I have a hell of a time against sagat though.
i just picked up claw and i have to say, like everyone else here said before, i think that tier list is complete shit, maybe its cause i dont have alot of experience with him but he is a pretty damn good character
the only down fall in my opinion is him giving damage is low and once he loses his claw, his range is gone to shit and with his mask gone, his defense gets alot worst than it already is
Claw can punish Rufus Ginga Tornado or ex Ginga Tornado move with his ex roll