It is unknown what Vega did with the data. Besides, since the SIN was completely destroyed and it’s unknown if Shadaloo is still operational fully by SF5, otherwise Bison would’ve probably gotten another body in preparation for the next tournament
Also I think the SIN project (a.k.a. Seth) has proven to be useless and all Seth clones were killed off anyway
Anyway, I think there are some possibilities of how his character arc would go: he uses the data and things go horribly wrong, he dies or he somehow redeems himself. What do you guys think?
Unless I’m mistaken, are you saying that after doing cr. LK, st. LP, st. MP you can do another st. MP into tatsu? I tried that against every character and it never had enough reach. The only normals that would connect from my testing is sweep and fierce(from the Target combo). Just wondering because that’s what it sounds like.
Yeah pretty much this. Cr. LK, st. LP will only work when you’re very close to your opponent. And that’s the only time cr. LK, cr. LP, cr. LP will work as well. So anytime you’re in range to do that chain cancel into DP, you’re also in the range to link into a st. MP combo. Which pretty much kills the point of it.
I think chain canceling into SRK will still have it’s use. But it has to be in those situations where you know that your st. LP will whiff, you mash a confirm against your opponent who is point blank in your face, or you have really good reactions and can hit confirm off one light attack.
Probably not. Still will be too slow to hit someone throwing a fireball, and it gets beat clean by them if you try for their wall. if you can do it on reaction and they’re far away, you might be able to get to their wall, but I doubt you’d be able to hit them still. Also, I think in some cases like Ryu, his v.skill will probably shut down FBA, unless it’s EX and hits twice. IMO, Vega’s days of FBA being really strong are over, though I do think it will have a lot more use in SF5 over SF4. IMO, Izuna will probably be much better this time around, since you no longer have to worry about slash coming out instead and a too short opportunity to grab someone.
EX. FBA doesn’t seem that much faster, it only launches the opponent for a follow up. Fireball also shuts that down completely, which I think is fair. It shouldn’t go through fireballs like BHC from SF4 does. EX.FBA will hit twice though, so perhaps that does have use against v.reversal. It’s too early to tell how effective the claw slash will be once off the wall. In SF4 and Alpha 3 (to a lesser extent) it had an enormous hurt box under it making it easy to duck AA the attack. If the hurt boxes are better in this game then that won’t be such a problem, but the fact is, the move looks slow enough that people easily AA the move doesn’t seem like it will be an issue. Unless there is some kind of priority at the tips of his hands, then you can try to get around AA options and hit them. The problem still comes down to hurt boxes. Any attack that hits upwards will probably knock him out of it.
I think Vega in SF5 is probably going to spend meter on Crimson to go under fireballs, get extra damage off Aurora and forward spacing, or his Critical Art. EX.FBA will be useful in combos depending on the damage, probably mostly clawless, or clawed to link into v.trigger. For non-fireball characters, I would imagine EX.FBA will probably be a useful tool in those matches for combos, rather than using CT to roll forward for spacing. CT also has use in combos, as well, so…
I also think EX.FBA will be good to hit under opponents as they jump, but probably a trade off for meter management. You could probably get more damage saving for his CA or using another tool. Who knows? It really boils down to how good or bad the hit and hurt boxes are for the move. It’s his signature move, I would like for it to be good, but it hasn’t since the old ST days. On the other hand, normal FBA goes really high to the wall and launches high off it. It’s probably going to be a great air to air move, to hit above the opponent as they jump, rather than to use it to hit grounded opponents. Probably see EX.FBA used less and his other EX moves used more.
Vega still has his cross up, at least, in the corner. Critical Art looks really good. Cross up mid-screen. Yeah baby! V.trigger combos into CA. AES works as a mid-range anti-air. AES combos into CA. CA is really strong. Still has j.HP instant overhead. He looks good, his pokes still look strong, in fact stronger than in SF4 by a good bit. Some of them look to have more active frames, like BC hitting people from a distance as they pre-jump. BC has a lot of range. Vega reminds me a lot of CvS2 Vega with focus mostly on poke pressure, but links into stuff like v.trigger and CA after. He looks like a monster, and I hope he stays that way. Nice to have a “real” anti-air with AES. Didn’t really see MT used as AA, so I wonder if that’s still a viable option. Didn’t see v.reversal used at all, but then the Vega guy was on top of the other dude the whole time. It doesn’t seem like the other guy really knew what he was doing, but I’m not sure if that’s because Vega is just that good that his pressure is strong, or if the guy doesn’t know how to play the game.
No, I meant cr. Mp. If you land cr. lk > st. lp > st. mp
Then you don’t have to cancel right away or commit to a TC but can link another cr. mp for max damage/stun in that situation.
So the whole combo is cr. lk > st. lp > st. mp > cr. mp xx MK tatsu
Granted I have no numbers because I no has access to the beta.
At 4:20, M. Bison’s EX Head Stomp stuffs Vega’s EX FBA.
At 5:11, claw off s.HP xx V-Trigger, CA is shown.
At 6:05, against a stunned, cornered M. Bison, claw on s.HP (1st hit) xx EX FBA was shown. However, Vega was too low to land the follow-up Claw Attack.
At 6:15, claw on s.MP xx V-Trigger was shown.
At 7:30, (HP?) Aurora Spin Edge anti-airs an empty jumping Necalli. Notably, the move seems to have plenty of active frames.
At 7:42, CH c.MK, c.MK xx (MK?) CT is shown. The video is peppered with this combo.
At 8:13, j.HP / claw on s.HP (1st hit) Switch Claw, claw off c.LP, c.MP was attempted. The c.LP didn’t connect after Switch Claw. Either a dropped link or just not enough hitstun.
At 8:16, blocked claw on j.HP / GID was shown. The GID beat some reversal from Necalli.
At 8:22, apparently taunt is two punches. Good, as in the absence of Select, I heard a rumor that it would be PPP+KKK lol. Vega’s taunt isn’t shown. ;(
At 10:33, s.V-Trigger (horizontal) AAs Birdie after he whiffs a jumping normal.
At 11:03, claw on s.HP (1-hit) xx MP ASE xx CA is shown.
At 12:41, Vega performs EX CT while Nash is knocked down. Curiously, when Nash stands up, the last kick from EX CT moves Vega forward enough to have him land behind Nash. Is CT a new corpse hop?
At 13:33, Matador Turn doesn’t seem to work well in avoiding the slower Sonic Booms.
At 13:52, claw off s.MP xx V-Trigger, CA is shown.
At 15:26, claw on s.HP (1st hit) stops Chun-Li early in her jump.
At 15:31, (HP?) ASE stuffs one of Chun-Li’s jumping normals. The move lands on one of it’s earliest active frames.
At 17:35, Matador Blitz (claw off target combo, s.MP -> s.HK) xx V-Trigger is shown.
At 17:59, Vega’s claw on s.HP (1st hit) and Ken’s air Tatsumaki Senpukyaku miss eachother. Note the hitboxes, I guess.
At 18:18, claw on s.HP (1st hit) xx V-Trigger was attempted. S.HP no longer forces stand! And it was a counter hit, no less. And so, Vega’s V-Trigger sails past Ken’s head.
At 18:30, if you land and KO with Vega’s CA on the hit after the wall, the cinematic sequence won’t play out. But it still looks cool, a Sky High Claw from the heavens lol. Or Vega’s take on Akuma’s Misogi lol.
At 18:38, “Vega’s OP!”
At 19:32, a Vega mirror match. Vega’s second color is shown! Brown hair, mint pants, and a magenta sash.
At 20:07, the slash follow-up comes out if Vega’s V-Trigger is blocked as well. Although… It’s still safe afterwards?
At 20:12, c.V-Trigger (anti-air) CHs one of Vega’s jumping normals.
At 21:10, instant overhead claw on j.HP is shown.
At 21:11, it is shown that you can reversal with your V-Trigger.
Yeah, he whiffed v.trigger a lot when the other guy was crouching. I noticed the safe blocked v.trigger as well. I wonder if you do it clawless, is it a good setup for for GID? That might be a fun “teleport” of sorts.
The wait has become unbearable. I just want to start playing this game already.
Going back to one of my findings, s.HP (1st hit) no longer forces stand like cl.HP did in SFIV. Is forced standing even back in SFV? S.V-Trigger can’t hit crouchers. So if they’re crouching, you can’t hit confirm into s.V-Trigger unless you spend some C-Gauge, juggling EX FBA into s.V-Trigger. Maybe an ASE xx s.V-Trigger juggle could work.
…UNLESS! Unless you can V-Trigger cancel (and hopefully also special and Critical cancel) Vega’s second hits of both his target combos, the hits that launch (2nd s.HP and s.HK).
As you may remember in SFIV, certain normals had specific flags for cancelability. For example, Vega’s cl/s.HK wasn’t special cancelable, but was Focus and Super cancelable, which usually goes hand in hand. However, some of Akuma’s normals couldn’t be Focus canceled, but could be Super canceled.
Basically, I would like to know how cancelable s.HK, [claw on s.HP -> s.HP -> MT], and [claw off s.MP -> s.HK -> MT] are.