Vega Combos & Glitches

borrow someones for a nite if possible

Spent a decent amount of time giving this a shot, no luck. Anybody make any progress?

wow, i was way off. going to test!

I’m lost. What is the purpose of this Kara Ultra move? What does it do? I’m not being skeptic btw, I was just passing by and read the post about. So what does it do?

Vega’s dfHK, HighST combo is like muffins, mmmm. Also it tastes better after linking it with jHP.

And Focus3~bDash~Ultra without mask does 500 damage. Focus Attack works very well for his Ultra. Any opportunity shouldn’t be wasted.

Have you seen this done? I went to check his cancel ability in this frame data, and I think it needs at least to be Ultra cancelable to be done, but it is not. I’ll try too anyway.

Edit: I don’t think is possible to hit with ExBarcelona then cancel it into BloodyClaw.

im gonna give it a go later

The distance the EX Barcelona travels in 1 frame makes it pretty impractical to do in a real match where most likely you’ll never be in such a close position to get the hit off…and that’s IF it even worked lol. But let’s say it did…you’d have to be within grab range and that’s a huge risk for Vega, not to mention most people will be at least cr.lp range most of the time.

I tried for about an hour. I just don’t think it’s possible. That being said there are better players here then me so…

Well if it worked the Ex wall dive would hit and juggle the opponent, then the ultra would activate when you reached the wall allowing you to combo into the ultra.

The 1 frame isn’t the distance traveled, but the leeway between inputs of the kara.

edit: Meaning, you can be anywhere when you do it.


well if that fails we can always try and get better at FADC ultra

^^Well i did have a idea about in the Q&A thread.

I was trying to pull it off like this.


Since the 360 “should” do the extra F for the dash and all the motion for the Ultra.

ima have to try that…

can i get sum insight when this is real usefull?

Meanwhile, here’s an 11-hit combo found by cyhchris:


And another interesting one that could maybe lead to combo’ing Ultra:


wow nice find

Awesome videos, that first combo is especially nice.

I’m surprised you can hit the super after the Scarlet Terror. As much as it would look like you could, you certainly can’t connect the ultra after it. I tried connecting those two for awhile the other day, as I know other people on here have, and it seems as if they’re just not meant to connect. Good to know the super is possible, might have to give that a try in training mode.

Very nice!


i see much opportunity to utilize FADC combos in the near future now

I wander if it is possible to get the Izuna Drop at the combo in the 2nd video.

Very nice combos, thanks to whoever did this!

The slide glitch also works on knocked-down opponent when they’re about to wake up; at least on Abel/Sagat. I pulled it off against a friend while playing some games in versus mode and confirmed in training mode. It works whether they quickstand or not.

Who said Fuerte was spicy? Vega’s the real deal!


I wonder if delaying the input after the super would get Rainbow Izuna instead? I guess the guy must have tested it a million times so chances are no it seems.

Edit: Nvm, Ryu dropped too low. Maybe a larger character like gief?