Vega Combos & Glitches

Ok, you all are in another rank. I won’t ever even try to do that.

I’ve never ever did that combo in the vega hard trial. can’t even reach the 2nd lk. I’ve read something about pressing a light and a medium in fast succesion, but with control pad i can’t piano or do such tricks…
…and i beat people up without that :smiley:

(i’m not interesting in the trials… i tried the vega’s ones, but i didn’t even play any other character trials, or survival or so… I have the 2nd colour and that is what i want, so i don’t play all those things).

i actually find it easier to do that then cr. lp(x4) ex izuna

my favorite are actually
J. HP Cr.MK St. LK St. HK
J. HP Cr.MK St. LK(x2) Cr. MP (trial 5)
J. HP St.HP St. Lk Cr MP

Jozhear that combo is sexy haha

Edit: Found a gross and beautiful combo i did to a sagat and rufus :wink:
Jump HP Standing HP Standing LK Standing HK 308dmg 480ish stun Gross yet beautiful;)

I have another one in mind I’ll let you guys know if it works or not later

-Originalkdawg (ThaiVega)

That j.hp st.rh works very well against Abel and Sagat.
Also, a beautiful combo is j.hp st.rh against tall characters (far jumpin required)

MidKnighT_, your signature, sigh.

I just came across azteca35 yesterday twice. The first time was in the morning I believe. He lost and that’s it. The second time in the evening, on the 3rd round I had him stunned with about 10% health left and was about to perfect him, and he rage quit on me. Sent him a message and said that it’s not right to do it on a fellow vega player. Vega players are like extinct (in my mind), that’s no way to treat the few of us. His response, my play was cheazy, coz I used a lot of mind game like sweeps or throw or crossup ex-wall dive on knockdown (still have to get corpsehop down), and he fell to every one of my tricks, and also resorted to the f-bomb and mom comments etc etc. Just plain not pleasant. Sigh. Vega community does not need someone like that among us, dare I say.

Anyway, to stay on topic here. You can do It has to be character specific too then right? I don’t think I’ve ever hit it twice. Unless the first hit is while the opponent is jumping in the air, so, he stays in the air long enough for the 2nd hit?

Also, just want to thank everyone in this Vega thread again. Before I read all these posts the past 2 weeks, I don’t even use a lot of combos. It’s all throw and mindgame etc. Now incorporating a lot more combos to my gameplan definitely elevated my play, and I feel like learning Vega all over again. So, thank you all for helping the Vega community in general.

Oh, another quick question, not exactly related to this thread. Zangief jumped in on me after knockdown and ex-grab me on my wake up, TWICE. I tried PPP flip like crazy, but couldn’t get out of it and he grabbed me both times. Am I just screwed? Although PPP is not the safest way to get out of trouble on wakeup, what else is faster?


next time i get to the xbox i’m gonna see if i can figure out some option select stuff
i’m positive you can do certain things where if you whiff a jump in you can flip out or punish a back dash with sweep, but if you don’t, you can combo into EX FBA or something. This timing applied to jumping in applies to everybody so i’ll let you guys know what i can figure out

Try these, the inputs are tough to notate but it would go something like
j.fierce~c.rh, c.short
j.fierce~(forward dash, throw), standing close fierce
j.fierce~EX FBA, c.short
Vega’s forward dash is pretty slow so a forward dash, throw option select might not work

meaty standing close lk~rolling crystal flash, s.rh
I’m told this move is useless but you could use RCF here to punish backdashes. jab would hit them out of the air most likely, strong might get the full combo, fierce is most likely too slow

meaty, c.jab
meaty dash, throw
meaty, c.jab
Ultra would work best if you are close to a solid wall, not midscreen, so that the startup time is consistent. punishes back dash, slow reversals (headbutt, gekiro, Rose EX soul spiral, etc.) might work against jump outs in some scenarios else :lol:

option select notes - you can’t use a cancellable normal to option select to a special, because if they block it your option will still come out, so scarlet terror will not work, but j.fierce~OS scarlet terror would. Downside to Vega’s crouching option selects to special is you that you will lose your charge and then need to combo a bunch of jabs to get anything meaningful if your original attack lands but I see his OS sweep kicking a lot of ass. his also has no combo potential so c.jab would be better, but that sucks because then there is no high-low mixup anymore. c.forward is too slow and will get hit by most of the slow reversals OS works best against

Yeah I figured the sweep is my best bet. Next time I’m around and you are let’s work on some of this stuff. We can record it for others too.

Ah, yeah. I thought I’d mention this: I don’t think Makoto predicts lows. He does on reaction when he sees the startup animation of middle to hard crouching attacks, be it kicks or punches.
Probably a technique he learned when he played P-Groove CVS.

I was just watching this vid [media=youtube]VJsCFnzyZk8[/media]
Early in the match he does the df hk over a low kick in the corner. I think what he does is kind of like a lot of Goukens. They learn patterns of the avg player. Most people like to try to jump in a certain ranges, so once ur in that range Goukens will ALWAYS throw a high fireball expecting a jump. Makoto does this with the df hk. He stands right out side of a persons range to where they will almost always throw a low attack to combo into or b/c it has the most reach and is normally “safe.” So he’s basically just making them think they can get a free hit and hops over it.

I never really thought of doing that, but its a good thing to try out on some players who like to start their combos from a distance with some low hits or who like to try and hit you low in case you block high (pretty much everyone).

Interesting information.

  1. Close strong punch cancel to strong punch CRF connects and does more damage and stun than close fierce punch cancel fierce punch CRF.

  2. You can link the 2nd hit of forward kick/roundhouse kick ST to an AA short kick ST.

  3. You can go for a surprise wake-up slide after a forward throw. Safe if blocked, and you hold your charge.

  4. Crouching forward cancel short ST link EX ST does great hp and stun dmg. Works on most of the cast . Need to test it for different characters.

That is some good stuff. 1) is a very interesting point. Can you still combo off of a jump in?

And also for number 2; if you hit with the second hit of ANY AA ST, go ahead and use it again. What Pursuit Property means is on a 2 hit move, if only the second hit hits, you can perform it again and get that additional hit back. You can do a roundhouse AA ST, get the second hit, then do another RH ST for the additional hit. =)

Yeah, 1) works off of a deep jump in. Normally works with jump in fierce, from what I’ve tested so far.

Hmmm, i just tried it a few times. It looks like it combos, but watch the combo numbers, it doesnt really combo. It does more stun, but less damage. Maybe I did 1) wrong?

  1. works but it’s like cr mk, cr mp xx ex fba. It doesn’t work on the popular ones like ryu, akuma etc. Works on the big guys, cammy etc

Nah, 4) is exactly as it’s shown above. Combo you’re talking about is different.

For 1), try using Balrog as a training dummy. I’ve gotten it to hit him every time.

Yeah i got it to work now. It’s easier on bigger guys. I think the damage difference was like by 5, not sure on the stun tho

Couldn’t really find it anywhere so I might as well ask it here, how do you combo Cosmic Heel into ST? I mean, don’t you have to be charging down-back for ST? doesn’t CH cause your to lose your charge.

df.rh, pretty much as soon as you start the animation for that move, hold down back to start your charge, and do a ST slightly before the opponent hits the ground. Timing might be a little weird at first but it’s pretty easy once you get it down.

Sasaki has a video of it somewhere if you’re a visual aid kinda guy.

Luck to ya.

Yeah just charge the second you see Vega turn around for the Cosmic Heel then release it right before their body hits the floor. Kind of the same timing for the 2nd Hard Trial’s ST, ex ST combo.

Jozhear where are those videos of your 4th place victory? Good on you for bringing vega up in the ranks!

Anyone else use this combo-
Jumping HP–>St. HP–>Cr. HP
It does around 30%ish damage.

Against big bodied characters, you could instead do
Jumping HP–>St. HP–>Cr. MP–>EX Wall Dive, Izuna Drop
This combo alone does more damage than his Super :looney:

Sorry if I’m repeating stuff :sweat:
I can’t believe I never considered doing Charge :db::qcf::df::qcb::ub: to do the ‘triangle motion’ supers…