Vega Combos & Glitches

no doubt, or use c. medium kick cause it has the same start up animation as a sweep!

Snap! :lovin:

how come this combos…jump in hk, standing mk, hk ST

close MK is special cancellable… why wouldn’t it work? =P

i dunno…cuz to do ST you gota go from db to forward

Charge db. Let go of the charge and press MK immediately, and then immediately press fHK
Same way you do this.

i know HOW to do it…just seems wierd that you can do it

Well, the only real explanation is that you keep the charge for a split second, I guess.
I first noticed this when I was holding downback, and I wanted to take a step and do sLK poke, and got a scarlet terror instead of the poke.
And I was pissed for just that one moment :rofl:

May or may not have been said but I found this little combo today… Somewhat useful. J hp Standing hp crouching hp. Dmg 288, Stun 460. I can’t get this to land on blanka for some damn reason; I guess his hit box is pretty good. It lands on pretty much everyone else though including that jackass ryu… God i hate ryu… Oh it works on crouching opponents as well because standing hp picks them back up ;).

^ that combo is great. It’s very useful mainly because it does a shit ton of damage;

one thing you might notice, Kentaro, is that if you were to try a standing roundhouse instead of that crouching fierce, you can also combo, for relatively the same output (~290 dmg, 460 stun). This link is +1 frame easier to hit, too, so it’s very reliable. Unfortunately this combo only works on larger characters, like Sagat, Rufus, Balrog, Abel (NOT Zangief actually. It only does the first hit of the kick)

The combo you mentioned is the alternative that is supposed to work on smaller characters without fail. While the cl. fierce, st. roundhouse won’t work on Ryu, the cl. fierce, c. fierce will, for the same damage output but a harder link.

This combo is mainly useful for jump ins, and meaty uses of close fierce. In certain circumstances though when you try to use the roundhouse on the bigger characters, you can get pushed too far out and it won’t work. But after a jump in or focus dash in, it’ll always work.

EDIT: Also, if for some reason you get a counter hit on your close fierce (pretty much impossible) the second hit of the kick should combo on anybody. Just an interesting fact; you will likely NEVER have a counter hit close fierce, ever

Ya i did notice the timing for that combo is very hard. I am not exactly sure what the frame data is on it but i feel that it is pretty tricky sometimes to get it off. The nice part about the combo is you can also FA dash in standing fierce and crouching fierce for almost as much dmg as the FA dash in cosmic heel scarlet terror combo. This is useful because i find it hard to do the cosmic heel into scarlet terror unless i am prepping it for a bit also the combo on the X-box controller I find to be a little sensitive in the diagonal areas of the controller but it is still pretty good.

Right now I am looking for a good combo with Scarlet Terror (hopefully with some decent dmg) that works on all characters standing and crouching any tips or ideas? I like scarlet terror for the last hit because it resets the opponent giving me another chance for a mix-up.

lp lk works I believe. You can also try cl. st. hp into ST, which works on both standing and crouching characters.


I have a lot of trouble landing standing hard punch into Scarlet terror. Can you help with the directional inputs? It looks like it should be pretty decent dmg.

Hold :db:, then press :r::hp:~:hk:
Pulled from the video info section "The HP and HK have to be done really close to each other, almost like you’re trying to kara it. It’s easier than a kara though. "

wow thx that makes it a hell of a lot easier. That’s a pretty nice find as well good dmg plus a reset option.

To go along with your combo riz i found one that does just a little bit more dmg but is a bit harder to do. Jumping Hard punch standing medium punch scarlet terror. Dmg is 298, hits crouching and standing opponent and stun is 460. It’s pretty good try it out.

On crouching opponents you have to be quite a bit closer than with rizhalls combo so this might not be as pratical as I originally thought

Sorry for asking this for the gajllionth time, but how do you do FA–>Ultra?
