odd, I haven’t done much testing, but… I’m specifically talking about Vs. Sagat and its everytime you slide into him while he’s getting up. when hops up, its like he goes airborn for a split second allowing you to slide thru
can somebody explain to me how to constantly pull of the fa after rcf? i am able to do it but only on a random basis with mashing mp+mk. what is the timting? can i perform 5 hits with hard rcf and still connect fa afterwards?
1st of all damage wise it’s not really a good option, but if you dash cancel the fa you can set up some guessing game with throw/jump back fierce, low short to tick throw; and note that you can fadc anytime during the roll.
You can fa after the 5th hit with hard rcf and all you have to do is press mp+mk as soon as it hits, a method to consistently pull it is to double tap mp+mk; then once you get the timing down it’ll come out easily.
thanks mate. as far as i know, there is no alternative to fa after rcf.
Quick question about df.rh -> SC…
Does the distance from your opponent when you hit the df.RH matter? I can get SC to come out if I’m far away, but if I’m too close it seems I don’t have enough time to chrage the SC. I probably have to work on the timing some more.
So, did the Championship DLC fix anything? Does the overhead work now?
j st crxx EX-Wall Dive&Izuna Drop 38.1%
Will not work on the list below! +Gouken & Bison
This doesn’t work on Guile either. Thsi move pushes normal character so far away that we should list which character can actually be hit by this, feels like most of the characters won’t be hit by the EX FBA.
Sasaki - No on the overhead.
-“Vega’s Ultra does 450 damage (up from 300)” (http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2009/apr/25/balance-changes-made-some-characters-sfiv/)
Is this right? Just want to make sure that whoever tested this didn’t take the mask off and do it on Seth or something. I can’t test it myself just now because my Xbox just red ringed on me. What a piece of shit.
edit: just saw that they removed it so it must be false. Just goes to show you should never believe anything on the internet.
I thought it always did 450.
So has anyone else been Izuna Dropping shoryukens? It seems like there is definite room there to do it if they time wrong (which is easy to provoke when you control yourself in air right), I just had a game where I got behind the shoryuken fist, near his head, and dropped his ass for the win. I’ve also done it a few times when the shoryuken is starting up, and most often when they’re just throwing them out mindlessly.
It seems like I might want to hit training mode and totally figure this out. I have a view questions. Is priority on air grabs a special grab priority, or does it have to do with it’s hit box? Additionally is Vega’s normal air grab better than his Izuna Drop?
It’s definitely possible to Izuna Drop the opponent out of a srk. It’s not easy though and no idiot (opponent) is gonna let that happen more than once. Good Ryus will just jump back hk or cr.hp you out of your FBA.
Balrog: Throw; 120; 1
Balrog: Backthrow; 120; 1
Balrog: Airthrow; 150; 1.2
Balrog: Izuna Drop; 150; 0.6
Balrog: Rolling Izuna Drop; 330; 0.8
First number is damage, second one is range. As you see, Airthrow has better range than Izuna or Super.
Not sure about priority though.
Quick question, is that top post pretty much the majority of combos? Or are there a few hanging around in the thread somewhere?
Amount of final rounds I’ve lost in tonight alone due to camera bug alone, 100%: 2
Seriously love this shit. First he’s unplayable for months in HDR because of the awful disconnection bug, now this delightful little bug. Capcom must hate Vega.
In a hilarious twist of irony, amount of final rounds I’ve won tonight thanks to the camera bug: 1!]
The Rolling Izuna Drop may have .8 range, but it’s active for so long that it really has longer effective range than any other throw. I’ve activated the throw, watched Vega’s hands start sticking out, ran into my opponent in mid-air AND THEN they got thrown.
I also noticed the thing with the arms. It looks as though Vega is about to slash, but then goes for the drop instead.
I like the range (is it its hitbox?) of Vegas Super. That range is just how I imagine the range of a normal Izuna should be.
Jesus. Between Rolling Hugs and Rainbow Roll, I don’t know how much fruitier Vega can get. :V
A combo that you don’t have listed up is:
Jumping Heavy Punch into Standing Heavy Punch (the double slash) into Crouched Medium Punch.
into ex walldive on tall characters.
This is what knucklez uses very often although it failed 80% of the time i saw him do it because he did it on the wrong character.
nvm just look at sasaki’s response.