Vancouver Tournament: Thoughts and Discussion

Okay so like I said in the BC matchmaking thread, I’m thinking of organizing a tourney for sometime after New Years… I’m thinking preferrably on Saturday January 6 or even Friday January 5 if that works better for people. I still need a place to host the tourney cause I live out in Surrey so that’s a no go… really bad location for most people. I’m thinking of somebody’s house but maybe we can rent a hall or something? We’ll also need TVs, sticks, consoles, and decide on how many of these things we need in order for the tournament to run efficiently and smoothly. Please post your thoughts or opinions if you have any and we’ll try to work from there.

first reply. Yey.

Great, so far only one post. Okay Ryan said that he’d be interested in hosting at the end of December. That gives us Dec. 28th on the Friday or Dec. 29th on the Saturday. Honestly I think that Saturday is by far the better day for me and everybody else. Last tourney was held on a Saturday and it worked out well. So yeah if people don’t respond then I’m just gonna set the date for Saturday December 29.

I would be interested in hosting, just as long as you guys can keep the place clean and not leave a mess. Plus I live in Burnaby near PNE so its got easy access and easy directions.

I’m in!

lol wtf

haha you newbies totally have never been to an ATM SPIDERTAO STREET FIGHTER TOURNAMENT with like THREE games and an entire partyroom with humongous garden for you fuckers to smoke weed in

haha i should do one. as long as tariq and gian and whoever the fuck else can bring TV’s

cost of renting the room is $40 though. with a $200 damage deposit
we did like $5 entries and i wouldn’t mind really doing another one cuz only the so called “OG’s” have ever been to one and they were basically BOMB

always called "tao needs money pt insert number"
they were mostly marvel tournies with the last one being a third strike, marvel, cvs2 tourney



made like $80 in cash haha cuz only like 12 people showed up per game

well if we get get a whole party room or whatever

why dont we push the tourney a few months back and plan something big?

with cvs2,marvel,3s,ST and maybe even guilty gear or smash bros

id hate to see people travelling from outa town to a ryans basement tourney lol as much as i adore and appretiate ryans basement

My biggest suggestion is during the winter break… most of us are in school and are worrying about papers exams labs etc. If we do a tourney after new years but before school starts I’m positive that we’ll get twice the ammount of people attending.

I like any date after December. Peeps still wanna do this?

i’ll be in vancouver december 16 - 25th. if the tournament date is around that time - count me in

what partyrooom? where is this?

JJJ said the guys at UBC would let us use their space during their next tourny - I left the guy that runs that thing a message he said they would only want 1-2 bux per buyin.